Chapter 25

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A flash of light covered everything around us, the next thing I knew is that I was laying in the ground paralyzed.

I tried to move my head and I saw that everyone else was also paralyzed. The dragon walked calmly toward us, I demanded my body to move but I wouldn't listen to my demands, everyone else was struggling as the dragon got closer and closer to us.

The first one laying on the ground was Aiz, who had received the worst part of it and she was unconscious. When the dragon stopped in front of Aiz, the dragon lifted its claws and swung them in Aiz's direction.

As I watched the scene, my heart pounded my chest, It couldn't bear the scene of Aiz getting killed in front of me, the scene passed through my mind thousands of times, Aiz getting ripped apart by the claws of the dragon. I couldn't let that happen.

"Move, move now!! The girl you like is about to be killed, you can't allow that to happen, you have to save her, she saved you when you were in trouble, now is my turn to return the favor, I have to do it, MOVEEEE!!!!!"

I hardly lifted my arm and a flame launched from my hand to the face of the dragon. The dragon realized this and deflected the fireball with the hand that was about ti kill Aiz.

I struggled but I managed to stand up and face the dragon, it had change its attention from Aiz to myself as it started walking in my direction.

Finn's POV:

I watched the scene as the effects of the paralysis were fading away. Bell managed to stop the dragon from killing Aiz by casting a fireball towards him. But now the dragon was in his direction, he was finished, he was the weakest member of their group and that dragon had managed to have defeated a group of first tier adventurers, but he still stood uo and got ready to defeat the monster. I though about my goal of restoring the hobbit race back to its full glory, all the struggles I overcame to reach that goal, but now I was laying down watching their weakest member facing a strong enemy, I can't let that happen, I want to become a hero, and a hero has to face every challenge and protect others, so it is not time to rest.

I stood up as I overcame the effects of the paralysis. That's when I saw something I had never seen. Bell's back emanated a bright white light, more specifically, the falna in his back. I don't know what it was but I think he had a skill or something like that. I walked towards him,I stopped and stood by his side.

Bell's POV:

The dragon was still heading in our direction, it was scary to know that I had to fight it alone, but it was scarier to think that my partners could die. I closed my eyes and I collected my thoughts in my head, I thought about Loki, I thought about the other members of our party, I thought about Aiz, I thought about my parents and I thought about a few words my grandfather told me once

"The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is"

It's my time to stand for my friends, even if this is the end of the line for me, I'll face the monster for victory.

- Don't think you're alone.

- Finn!! - I reply excited.

- I won't let you face it alone, Bell, it's our time to become heroes.

- Yes captain!!

- Everyone, rest at ease if you think this is the end, if not, rise up and fight with us. We are going to defeat the monster!

The monster got close enough to be on striking range and so the fight started. I rushed towards the monster and I noticed that I was way faster than the fight before, I felt lighter and more agile. At the same time, thanks to the skill that my parents left me, I charged the argonaut skill without losing focus. While I charged it, Finn was repeatedly stabbing the monster with his spears. He evaded every attack from the monster with ease, but his attacks weren't doing too much damage either. I kept charging argonaut, I noticed that Tione and Riveria had already overcome the effects of the paralysis and were getting ready to join the fight, Finn also noticed this and gave his orders.

- Tione, come with me. Riveria, stick to healing and defense, and take Aiz out of there.

- Yes captain.

Tione fought alongside Finn doing physical attacks to the monsters while I charged argonaut. When the four minutes passed, I stopped where I was and I focus on casting the new magic I learned, {Atlantis}

- [Gunpowder gardens explode in the darkest sky...]

The dragon notice my chanting and focused its attention on me, Finn and Tione noticed this and attacked the monster so it couldn't reached me.

A bell started tingling lightly.

- [...Strike in front of the sea that is eternity against the rocks...]

The bell started to get louder.

- [...Everithing is wing and transience in the galaxy of water...]

The bell got even louder.

- What is that sound?. - Bete asked.

Gareth's groups had ventured into the glaciar part of floor 59, they hadn't found anything interesting but while they were walking through the ice, the sound of a bell came to their ears.

- I don't know, but it comes from the tropical forest. Everyone, change of plans, let's go to the forest!

The sound of a bell resonated through the 59th floor. There, in the middle of the forest, a boy, wrapped in a white light, was chanting a magic spell.

The dragon was going beserker as it noticed the boy chanting, the dragon felt that if the boy finished, he wouldn't stand a chance, so blinded with anger and fear, it launched itself towards the boy. Finn noticed this change on the dragon, and he decided to do the same.

- [Magic spear, penetrate my forehead offering blood, HELL FINEGAS]

Finn's eyes turned red as his mind was blinded with rage as he took his two spears and got in front of the dragon, where using all his strength, he kicked the dragon to the ground and then he launched his spears to the wings of the dragon to trapped him in the ground, then, Tione threw her weapons, the twin kukri knives, Zolas, towards his captain, he picked both of them in the air an them, launched itself towards the dragon eyes, they hit their target and the time had come, the boy was about to finish his chant. Tione and Finn left, as the dragon, struggled to stand up as it was using most of its energy to regenerate its wounds, but it was too late.

- [... Like tonight we've seen it burn fleeting bodies over this eternal sea]


5 huge cannons of water appeared in front of me, in an instant, the water jets blasted from the cannons toward the dragon, it couldn't dodge it as the water close the distance in an instant and the jets blasted 5 holes through the body of the dragon, hitting it's magic stone and destroying it in an instant. The dragon turned into ash.

Joy run through my mind but I had wasted all of my mind in that attack so I fell unconscious on the ground knowing that everyone was saved.

The adventures of the white and crimson rabbitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن