Chapter 18

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I went back to the same house I found mother and daughter before to search for the father. I removed the debris carefully and luckily I found him protecting himself under a table, I removed all the debris and I helped him. I told her that his wife and daughter were safe and I accompanied him to the healers but halfway, I heard a strong noise and telling the man where to go I rushed to the scene, when I arrived I saw Aiz laying motionless in the ground and a woman ready to finish her life, leaving all reason behind, I run as fast as I could and I swung my knife towards the woman, she noticed me and she jumped back. I instantly looked at Aiz and I saw her with her eyes closed and a few tears falling for them.

"I guess this is the end" Aiz thought, but after a few seconds she didn't feel any pain neither she felt she was injured, confused, she was going to open her eyes again when she heard a voice.

- Aiz, are you ok?

She recognized this voice, she opened her eyes and standing in front of her, a pair of red eyes were looking at her.

- Bell! what are you doing here?. - Aiz asked shocked.

- I was helping with the evacuation but I heard a noise and I found you.

She was left speechless, she looked at Bell's face who gave him a simple smile and he turned back.

- What do you want boy?. - The woman asked.

- I don't know what has happened, and if you defeated Aiz it's impossible for me to beat you, but I won't let you hurt her. I replied.

- Aiz please retreat, I'll gain enough time for you to run away and call reinforcements, please go.

As I finished talking, I run forward to fight with the woman.

Aiz suddenly understood why Bell was so strong, a familiar image came to her mind of an adventurer doing as Bell just did, his father. "Even when the enemy is way stronger than him, he faces it for the sake of others, as he did with the floor boss and as he is doing now for me, he knows that he is facing an overwhelming power but he still faces it, he is probably scared and he probably doesn't want to die either but he chooses to fight instead of doing nothing as I am, I have to help him, If I don't he'll be killed because of me and also... I don't want him to die!!" Aiz began to push her body to move, it still refused to do so but Aiz pushed more until she finally got control of her body, she grabbed her sword and jumped towards the woman.

"She is way faster than me, I can't block all her attacks..." The woman's sword cut my left arm and blood poured out of the wound, I jumped back and casted a firebolt but with her speed she dodged it and jumped towards me, I didn't have time to positioned my knife to block the strike but before the sword pierced through me, a rapier blocked the sword and launched the woman back. I fell back to the ground and in front of me Aiz was positioned to fight. She looked at me and said with a sweet smile.

- Thank you Bell.

I knelt on the ground tired and hurt and I watched the scene in front of me.

- Aria, you finally fight. - The woman said.

- Who are you?. - Aiz replied.

- My name is Revis, I'm a mere servant of Enyo. But it's nice to see you Aria.

Aiz, after hearing that name again launched an attack towards Revis, she couldn't dodge it and Aiz's desperate cut her cheek.

- I guess I'm not strong enough, and with more first tier adventurers coming I have nothing to do. If you want answers Aria, go to floor 59. - Revis said.

Aiz looked back and she saw Bete, Tiona, Tione, Gareth, Riveria and Finn rushing to the scene, she felt more confident now but when she looked back a smokescreen was were Revis was, Aiz used her magic to blow the smoke away but when she did Revis had already disappeared. Aiz checked her surroundings before jumping towards me.

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