Chapter 20

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I was hugging my grandfather while tears fell down my eyes, I didn't know what happened but my grandfather was in front of me alive. After a few minutes, we got separated and he started talking.

- I'm sorry Bell.

- What why, you are alive why do you apologize?

- I had to fake my death because of some reasons, but after seeing you fight that wyvern yesterday I knew you were ready.

- Ready for what?

- For the truth.

I was still shocked that grampa was still alive so we decided to go back to the house and talk there.

- Bell, this is all going to be shocking for you, and at first you might not believe me, but everything I'm going to tell you is the truth.

I looked at him and nodded.

- First, I'm not your real grandfather, my name is Zeus, and I am a god. - he said as he left a bit of his divine aura come out.

- Your father was a member of my familia while your mother was a member of Hera's familia but they both died when you were a baby, so I took care of you because there was no one else who could, but because of that I raised you and I am proud of my work, I do love you Bell, and for me you are like my son but because I had to hide for some time I had to fake my death, but it was also the push you needed to become an adventurer and from what I saw yesterday you are doing pretty well.

My mind was about to explode, too many shocking things had been said, I believe them all, because at the end, grampa was really a god, no one can imitate a god's aura but it was still to much, but one thing caught me off guard "my parents"

- Can you tell me about my parents?. - I muttered.

- Sure. Your parents were childhood friends and they came to Orario because they wanted to become adventurers like you did, because your mother was a mage and your father a swordsman he joined my familia and she joined Hera's, but because our familias had a good relationship between them they could still see each other, they started going out and they were becoming great adventurers, your mother, Cecilia Cradon "The magi", reached level 6 and she became the captain of the Hera familia, while your father, Dunnan Easnel "Fire sword", became a level 5 and a high executive of my familia. When our familias were the strongest, we decided to go fight the three great quest, the leviathan, the behemoth and the black dragon. We managed to defeat the first two and at that time you were born, combining their last name, they named you Bell Cranel. Your parents loved you a lot and they were always with you, but one year after you were born, the black dragon appeared and because of your mother's position as the captain of her familia she had to fight it, your father couldn't leave your mother fight alone so he also went to fight the black dragon, you stayed here with me, this was our old camp. But, they didn't succeed in beating the dragon and both of your parents and the rest of both familias died in the fight. Then, we were forced out of Orario with the lowest members of our familias who didn't go to battle, and we settled a village here.

Tears fell down my eyes. My parents were great adventurers and great people too, but I couldn't remember them, not even how they looked like, and this made me very sad. I believe what Zeus told me, that they loved me, but I don't feel anything for them because I don't remember them, I wished I could but I am not able to do so, and it hurts.

- Bell, your parents knew that they might died fighting the dragon, so before they left they told me to raise you like a normal kid if anything happened to them, and when you were ready they told me to tell you the truth and also to give you this.

Zeus extended his arm and he gave me a letter.

Dear Bell:

If you are reading this, it means that we have died and that you already know the truth about us.

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