Chapter 24

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As we walked towards the tunnel that lead to floor 59, silence evolved the environment as everyone was getting focused on what was to come, we walked through the tunnel towards the 59th floor, and it was indeed surprising.

As the Zeus familia had described, the 59th floor was covered in ice or snow. But what we saw was that the snow covered at least half of it, the other half was like a tropical forest, full of enormous trees and colorful plants all over the place, one half looked like the coldest place on the planet while the other one looked like a jungle.

It was indeed an extravagant place as two opposite conditions were separated by a river in the middle. But one thing bothered me, and I think everyone else noticed it too. The forest area was way too big to be missed by the Zeus familia when they came here, the 59th floor room we were was as big as Orario itself, probably bigger, so it was impossible not yo notice the jungle, so that area has to be a change in the dungeon itself, or someone else did it. 

We talked about the condition of the room and after a bit of deliberation, Finn spoke.

- Everyone, we are going to divide in two groups, I'll be commanding the group that goes to the tropical forest while Gareth will command the one that goes to the glaciar territory. Riveria, Aiz, Tione and Bell with me. Bete, Tsubaki, Tiona, Raul and Lefiya with Gareth.

- Why does he has to go with Aiz??!! .- Lefiya reclaimed to Finn.

- Shut up Lefiya!! - Riveria shouted - You gave us a lot of problems in the last floor because of your stupid actions so listen to Finn and follow his orders

Lefiya moaned in disagreement but there was no turning back.

- Everyone let's go!!! - Finn shouted.

We got separated from the other group as we entered the forest, there was some paths through the trees and also a few monsters but they were killed by a single hit of Aiz and Tione's swords. While this was happening, Riveria and Finn were discussing something but they were speaking softly so I couldn't heard them.

Finn and Riveria's conversation.

- What are you thinking Finn?

- It's just a hunch, but I think that the woman that called Aiz Aria is the reason of this, or maybe his boss. But what scares me the most is that the dungeon is doing this itself.

- Do you think the dungeon is changing itself?

- It could be, the dungeon has been changing all the time, and maybe now it is reacting to someone or something, we won't know until we see it with our eyes.

- I hope it is something else, we could have big trouble if the dungeon starts doing something strange.

We advanced through the jungle, while Aiz and Tione rested I fought the monsters.

A few black sabertooths jumped towards me, I dodged them and using a tree as support I launched myself and I cut the black sabertooth neck, after that, I casted [Jotunheim] to the other beast and it pierced his chest, the new level up I received and the training Riveria gave me helped me a lot and I felt like it was easy to defeat the monsters.

I kept fighting the beasts until we reached a large field in the middle of the forest.

- I see you have come here Aria.

At the end of the field, Revis appeared from the other side of the forest. Everyone stopped and looked at her.

- I've been waiting for you, Enyo will be happy that I bring you to him.

- Welcome Revis, I'm not sure what you are talking about but our princess will stay with us. - Finn replied.

- Well, let's see about that. I have a surprise for you.

Revis jumped to a tree and she pulled a lever that came out of the tree, suddenly, the ground started shaking, the ground opened and an enormous monster.

An enormous dragon flew from the ground towards the air, its scales were bronze and it emitted a powerful aura .

- When It kills you I'll take Aria with me. Resist while you can. - Revis said as she disappeared into the forest.

- Aiz, use ariel and distract the dragon. 

- Tione, Bell, protect Riveria. 

- Riveria begins to cast Rea Laevateinn.

-Yes captain!!


Aiz casted, the dragon noticed this and it rushed towards her. Aiz flew through the air dodging the dragon who launched itself towards Aiz ignoring us.

-Aiz, out!!!

Aiz jumped out of the way when Riveria finished casting.

- [Rea Laevateinn]

Colums of fire appeared fromthe ground and engulfed the dragon in flames, that was Rea laevateinn, a hugeannihilation magic casted by the most powerful magician in the whole world. Butwhat happened after that it's what surprised us the more, the dragon didn'ttook any damage at all. The dragon roared when the flames disappeared as itdirected his eyes towards Riveria and everyone else as it prepared his breathattack. A lightning came out of its mouth devastating everything in it's way.

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