Chapter 12

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When I woke up I reached a new level of embarrassment when I found myself laying on Ryuu's arms, I jumped away red as a tomato but she just looked at me with her sky blue eyes and smiled. I looked around and the room and saw Loki and Riveria laughing a bit, I remembered how I ignored them the days before and I apologized for my behaviour.

- I'm sorry for behaving like that, you were worried about me but I behave like an idiot. I'm sorry.

Loki simply smiled at me and said.

- I'm glad you're back.

Riveria nodded behind her and also smiled at me.

I felt warm inside, I looked at everyone in the room and thought "I have a new family now".

I still had to stay another day at the hospital before I could go home, I already felt good, but Airmid, the doctor didn't let me leave. That day Syr, Ryuu and the other waitresses came to visit me, they thanked me for saving Ryuu and said that Mia was waiting for me to do a feast at the HoF, they also teased me about me liking Ryuu and stuff like that, I had a lot of fun talking with them, the group of five waitresses could form a comedy group if they wanted. That day Finn and Gareth also came to visit, we talked a little bit but the real reason they came it's because they wanted to ask me about what happened. I told them everything about how I heard them talking in the alley and the events after that, how I chased after them and fought them to protect Ryuu, and how I killed the assassin, pain came back to me, it wasn't as big as before but it still hurted, Finn seemed to have noticed it and said.

- You did well, Things like that happen sometimes. It hurts, but we do it to protect the people who can't defend themselves so, it's our duty as strong ones to protect the weak, don't be too hard on yourself. I'm glad you survived.

Finn sure looked like a kid, but that shows you why they said looks are deceiving. The prum is one of the wisest people in Orario, and that is the reason why he is the captain of the familia, his speech ability is incredible, and he manages to lift someone mood with a few words. And that's exactly what happened with me.

And finally, the day came and I left the hospital accompanied by Loki. Finn told me to relax this day because tomorrow I would get introduced to the familia. Loki and I talked while walking around Orario, we ate at the hostess of fertility and after that we went home.

Before going to sleep, I asked Loki to update my status, It had been almost a week since the last update, I had been on the hospital half of them but I also had gone to the dungeon a few times before that. Loki accepted and we went to her room, I took my shirt off and I layed on the bed. Loki climbed on me and puntered her finger with a needle. To be able to update someone status, gods had to use the ichor, basically their blood, to update the status.

Loki started to update my status and a few seconds later she left out a shout.

- Whaaaaaaaaatt???????!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got scared and instantly jumped out of the bed.

- What's going on Loki?

- You have reached level two. - She said shocked.

- Whaaaaaaat???!!!

Now was my turn to scream, I could level up. When you level up, your abilities go back to 0, it doesn't mean you lose them, it means that the excelia you get now will be added to the old ones, you also get bonus excelia when you level up. I was really excited, this means that I'm getting closer to my goal, but I still need to work hard to get stronger.

Loki told me the advanced abilities that I could get and told me to go talk with Eina about them, she also said to wait about the level up so I could upgrade my magic a little more. I couldn't wait to level up so after she finished I picked my equipment and I went to the dungeon, I knew I just had left the hospital but I couldn't wait to level so I tried to use my magic only, without overusing it of course, I didn't want to fall unconscious again, that is why I had bought some potions that restored the mana. I kept advancing through the dungeon burning monsters with my magic until I finished all the potions and went back home.

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