Chapter 38

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The carriage stopped at the center of the town where all villagers came to greet Bell and his companions, but to their surprise they realized that those companions of his were two goddesses and a beautiful blonde girl. After taking the horses to a stable, the four of them went to the house at the foot of the hill, Bell and Zeus' house.

- Gramps! I'm home. - Bell said while knocking on the door.

The door opened and Zeus came out of the house. Bell opened his arms expecting a hug but Zeus had other plans and he instantly focused her attention on the blonde girl besides Bell. He grabbed her hand and bowed to kiss it.

- Thanks to the gods for bringing such a beautiful lady to my doorstep, may I ask what is the reason for such a plea...

Zeus wasn't able to finish because Loki hit him with a great right hook. "Gareth would be proud" Bell thought.

- What do you think you are doing ugly hag!? I'm a god... - Zeus shouted, but when he focused her attention on the woman who hit him his expression changed.

- Don't you dare touch a woman from my familia you perverted god. - Loki said - And you have to be even more careful considering she is a level 6 adventurer and your grandchild's girlfriend.

Zeus' eyes opened to the fullest and he jumped towards Bell, Zeus grabbed Bell by the head and said.

- How did you manage to get a hot girlfriend this fast!! I thought you would never do so, I'm so proud to be your grandfather right now!! - Zeus had tears forming on his eyes.

- Gramps shut up!!!! - Bell shouted.

Loki and Freya were laughing out loud, but at the same time Aiz was trying to grasp what had just happened and how the god who is supposed to rule over the others was this weird.

After everyone calmed down, Bell introduced his companions.

- This here is my goddess ...

- I already know who they are - Zeus interrupted Bell - How are you doing Freya, Loki?

- Good - Both responded.

- Well ok. Gramps, I want to introduce you my girlfriend and member of my familia, Aiz Wallenstein.

- Nice to meet you. - Aiz said while bowing.

- Nice to meet you too - Zeus replied - Please go inside.

When Bell and Aiz had entered the house, Zeus looked directly at Loki and he tilted his head towards Aiz. Loki simply nodded. Zeus smiled and realized that a long night was ahead of them.

After spending the rest of the day talking about trivial things and having fun the night came, and with it, the atmosphere became tense and everyone sat around the chimney where a really important conversation was about to start.

- I guess you didn't come here just to have a great time. - Zeus said.

- Indeed. - Freya and Loki replied.

- Well, who wants to go first?

- I think I'll take my chance - Freya said - As you know, since you and Hera were defeated Loki and i stood up and became the powerhouses of Orario and basically the world. And because of that I want to know everything I can to keep it that way, so, what I want to ask you is, What is the prophecy that the Delphi Oracle made about the mortal world? Is there something we have to fear or prepare ourselves to fight?
- Well, you should be always prepared for the dangers of the world but this time it is something else. You know, I had always been interested in the mortal world even before I descended, I watched from the olimpus the events that happened and the evolution of the mortal beings. And there was something that didn't make sense at all, the dungeon.
- What do you mean it doesn't make sense? - Freya replied.
- Well, before we came down to the earth and gave the mortals our gift, the falna, each race developed in a different way due to their beliefs and their traits. Elves developed their own kind of magic thanks to being descendants of the spirits, and a culture devoted to the forest. Dwarves developed less powerful magic related to the earth but they also used science and metalurgy to advance their culture. Beast people have outstanding physical traits due to being descendants of great beasts so they lived as hunting tribes. And humans, they adapted to their circumstances and flourished even though they are the weakest race. Why am I say ing this, you must be thinking. Have you ever thought were monsters come from, monsters are another race like humans or elves, but why are they like this, what is their purpose, the monsters come from the dungeon, no one has ever questioned this, and why. Isn't it strange for monsters to come out of a hole for the sole purpose of killing, what is the dungeon in itself. That is what we asked to the oracle of  Delphi.

Everyone was in silence after hearing this words.
- The answer was worse that we expected, you probably know this - said Zeus while looking at Freya and Loki - but I will explain it to them.
Before we reigned sovereign in heaven, there was someone else, Cronus, he was the king of the old gods and someone obsessed with power, as the old gods wanted to live a relaxed life and let the new gods take over Cronus was against it, to the point were he tried to murder us so we would not take his place. But he failed miserably as all the gods were against him and he was relinquished of his position as the king of the gods, of course, the attempt of assassination resulted on him being imprisoned in the tartarus, the underworld prision.
- What does this have to do with the dungeon? - Freya asked.
- Well, as I said before, the tartarus is the underworld prison. Do you see where I'm going?
- Wait wait wait, are you telling us that the monsters from the dungeon come from the tartarus?
- Not exactly, this is what the oracle tolds us. "A great calamity is coming upon the mortals. Cronus the fallen has found a way out of the tartarus, and he wants revenge for the destiny he has followed, he is giving his gift to lowly creatures to bring death to the mortals you are  overseeing. If you do not act, the end is near for your beloved world"

Everyone was worried, Zeus words had dug deep in their hearts. It is true that few people thought about the origin of the dungeon, they just accepted the fact that it was a hole where monsters came and where you could win money. But no one thought why was that happening.

- Don't worry, we controlled the situation by doing exactly the same as Cronus, giving our gifts to the children of the world so they could fight themselves. There is no trouble near us at the moment. - Zeus said to calm the mood.

- Well, there might be, the next month, Loki and I will have an expedition to the dungeon to reach the lower floors. - Freya replied.

- We can talk the details later, but that is the main problem we are facing right now. I think this is enough for today, I will answer your question tomorrow young lady. - Said Zeus while looking at Aiz.

Aiz was a bit disappointed, Bell could see it in her eyes, but what they had learned today was enough for today. They had learned the true behind their world.

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