Chapter 37

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Thanks for the support I have been receiving for the year I have been writing this story.
This chapter is a longer one, hope you enjoy it.

Bell, Aiz, Loki and Freya sat besides the fire. A few minutes ago Bell and Aiz had discovered Freya hiding in the carriage and also that Loki was aware of it. They were really stunned because all the time that Freya was out of her palace Ottar was behind her and the rest of the elite of her familia escorted her from a distance.
- How did you manage to sneak out? - Bell asked.
- I suppressed my godly aura, it was quite easy fufufu... - Freya replied giggling.
- Well, also that, but what I meant is how you escaped your familia? - Bell replied with an awkward laugh.
- Simple. I told them that if they wanted to come they had to beat Ottar. So you imagine the rest, but don't worry, if anything happens I can summon him.
Bell imagined the whole Freya familia in their knees defeated while Ottar stood up unscathed "terrifying..."
- He is probably having a lot of fun with them. - Freya added.
Aiz and Bell looked at each other wanting to ask a question but they didn't want to be rude to Loki and Freya who at the end of the day were two powerful goddesses
- Come on don't give me that look, you want to know why we ruined your vacation alone. - Loki said.
- No we didn't ... - Aiz and Bell jumped:
- Don't worry, we expected it. - Loki replied.
Loki looked at Freya as she nodded.
- I'll guess is ok if we tell you, we both have different reasons but both of them also have something to do with Zeus. - Loki said.
- Grampa?! - Bell replied startled.
- Yes Bell, you may not know this, but your grampa, Zeus, is one of the main gods at heaven, and he was also the first one to descend to the mortal world, so his knowledge is way greater than any of us. - Freya said.
- So, what do you have to do with Zeus? - Aiz asked.
- Well, in my case, I want to ask him about the prophecy of the Delphi oracle. - Freya said.
- Prophecy? Delphi oracle? - Bell asked confused.
- The Delphi oracle is a prophet in heaven, it is said that the last prophecy she made before falling into a deep slumber has something to do with the destiny of the mortal world, it is also said that the only people who listened to the prophecy were Zeus and Odin. And because Odin didn't descend to the mortal world the only one that is left is Zeus, so that's the business I have with him. - Freya said.
Bell was really confused "a prophecy, the destiny of the mortal world, his grampa..." It was too much for him to keep up and he hasn't even listened to Loki yet.
- What is your reason Loki? - Aiz asked, she was also confused but she was also really curious about the reason for her goddess to meet Zeus.
- Well, mine it's a bit more simple. It has to do something with you, Aiz. - Loki said.
- Me?! - Aiz replied.
- Yes, as you have told us, your mother was Aria, a spirit, and your father the hero Albert Waldstein, which makes no sense at all knowing that you are just sixteen years old and the tale "Dungeon Oratoria" is centuries old.
- Do you think I'm lying? - Aiz said startled.
- Of course no, you know gods can sense when someone is lying and you don't, which makes things more confusing. What happened to you is what I want to know. And because the little rabbit over there said that his grampa wrote the tales he told him when he was younger it made me curious as to why he knows about your father.
- Do you think Zeus knows something about me and my parents?! - Aiz was visibly alarmed by what Loki said.
- I think so, at least that's what my instinct tells me. - Loki replied.
- Zeus has always been involved with heroes, he likes them and they are the source of entertainment for him. So he knows more than anyone regarding that matter, so it doesn't hurt to ask him. But I'm not sure about it. - Loki said trying not to give hope to Aiz, but she was sure about it.
"Spirits were the children whom the gods love more so they gave them a special gift in the form of magic, but even though most of them were good some of them turned out to be evil, after discovering this, a war between the spirits took place which resulted in reducing the number of spirits to the point where only a few where left. At this time is when the kingdoms of humans, elves, dwarfs and beast people started to grow, and at the same time, monsters started to come out of the dungeon. The great war started between humanity and monsters and also at that time is when Zeus descended to the world. At the beginning he didn't interfere on the war, as he was just merely watching the rise of heroes during the war, heroes like Argonaut. But when the war was coming to an end with the humans rising victorious a calamity happened and three great monsters came out of the dungeon, the Behemoth, the Leviathan and the Black dragon. These beasts decimated the surrounding of the dungeon and after a while each headed to a different place, the Leviathan went to the sea, the Behemoth went to the desert on the south and the Black dragon went to the mountains of the north, after that, not much is known about the beast until the Zeus and Hera familia defeated the Leviathan and the Behemoth, then they suffered a defeat against the black dragon and they were completely destroyed. The only piece of information knonw about the Black eye dragon is the tale of "Dungeon Oratoria" where the hero Albert is accompanied by the Elven queen Celdia and the amazoness empress Evelda in a series of adventures that ended in a battle against the Black dragon, where the hero Albert died after managing to land an attack on the dragon's eye, resulting in the commonly known name of the One eyed black dragon.
It isn't know if it happened after or before Zeus decided to give a gift to the mortals in the form of a falna, and then the era of gods started.
From what Aiz told us, Aria was also alongside Albert in the fight against the Black dragon and it is also possible that she lost her life, then if that was true Aiz was already born by that time, which means that she is at least a few hundred years old. But the Aiz I know is only sixteen, so what the hell happened in the past. It has been bugging my mind since I met her, what the hell is her story, is it good or bad..."
The mood had gone down after Loki told her reason to meet Zeus. In response to that Aiz got up and said.
- I'll take watch tonight, you can go to sleep.
Freya and Loki read the mood and went to the carriage to sleep, but in Bell's case, he stood where he was without knowing what to do, in the end he went to check up on the goddesses leaving Aiz alone.
After half an hour, Bell felt bad because he knew he wasn't helping Aiz when she needed it, so he got out of the sleeping bag and he headed towards where Aiz was.
As Bell walked he saw Aiz standing near the shore of the lake, with her feet inside the water. The dim moonlight reflected on her golden eyes looking at the infinite stars in the sky.
- Aiz. - Bell said softly.
- Bell. - Aiz replied with a tone of sadness on her voice.
- Are you ok? - Bell asked.
- I don't know.
Bell sat beside Aiz, he removed his jacket and put it on her.
- Thank you.
Aiz looked at Bell's eyes and gave him a kind smile, but Bell could overlook the sadness in her eyes.
- Aiz, I don't know what your story is like, and I don't care about it, I love you and I'll love you no matter what your backstory is. I want you to know this and I also want you to know that you don't have to do everything by yourself, If is too heavy of a burden for you to carry I'll help you, even if you can do it by yourself I'll also help you. I'm here for you. - Bell said while looking at Aiz's eyes.
- Thank you Bell, but you can't do anything about it.
This sentence pierced Bell's heart.
- Why?!
- You can't Bell.
Ais stood up and started walking away. Bell stood frozen but this time he wasn't going to let her go like he did earlier. Bell jumped to his feet and run towards Aiz, he grabbed her arm and turned her around. There he saw Aiz's eyes on tears.
- Why can't I help you?!
- You can't!!! - Aiz screamed.
- Tell me why!! - Bell scream back.
- Because I don't want to lose you too!!!
Bell looked at Aiz crying.
- I already lost my parents I don't want to lose you too, please leave me alo...!!!
Aiz didn't managed to finish her sentence as Bell embraced her. Aiz's head was resting in Bell's chest and Bell's arms surrounded her and pressed her against him.
- Aiz, there is no way you'll lose me, I already told you that'll be with you and that I'll love you all my life. - Bell said with a gentle voice.
He moved his hand from Aiz's back towards her head and he started petting her.
- But...
Aiz lifted her head and saw Bell's warm red eyes looking at her, she understood that Bell was saying the truth, that he loved her more than anything, she got embarrassed and try to push Bell aside but Bell's arms didn't let her go. Instead he pressed her harder against himself. Aiz realized it and she simply gave up, she closed her eyes and hugged Bell back. After a few seconds Bell removed her hands from Aiz's back and moved them to her head, she lifted it up and gave her a kiss on her forehead. After that, Aiz and Bell kissed under the moonlight.

- I didn't know Bell had gotten this good with women. - Loki said.
- True, he looked like a scared rabbit the first time I saw him but look at him now. - Freya replied.
Since Bell left them in the carriage Freya and Loki had been spying on the two of them.
- Thank god they didn't notice that I used the heavenly mirror, I'll have to show this to Riveria. - Loki said.
Loki had recorded everything with her divine powers, because she was far away from Orario she wouldn't get scolded if she used a bit of her power. But it seems that this power also attracted unwanted attention. From behind the bushes, two bugbears had noticed the divine power and went to check it out.
Loki looked behind her and saw two bugbears charging at her.
- Ahhhhh!!! - Loki screamed.
- Ara ara - Freya said as the bugbears past her - You deserved it.
- You useless goddess!!! - Loki screamed as she run away.

In the shore, Aiz and Bell heard Loki's scream and after sharing a smile, they both rushed to aid their goddess.

The rest of the trip went as smooth as it could have gone, they had some problems while crossing the towns because of Loki and Freya divine auras, and if they didn't notice them they still were charmed by Freya. Loki was upset by the fact that they did not notice her so she started yelling at her and nearly threw her some leftover soup.
Five days passed and at sunrise the carrige reached the road headed towards the village, the moment they had been waiting was closing by, and when Bell saw the houses near the hill a smile appeared on his face. He was back.

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