Chapter 26

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Bell fell unconscious on the ground as his final attack turn the monster into ashes. Riveria rushed towards Bell as she started to cast a healing spell for the Bell, he had use to much mind so he needed to rest. Riveria carried him to the same place where Aiz was resting.At that time Gareth and the rest of the group arrived at the forest.

- Finn, what's going on?. - Gareth asked.

- What we came looking for, Revis. - Finn replied.

- What.... what... Why is Aiz resting besides Bell?! - Lefiya muttered while her face was red in anger.

- Both of them fell unconscious fighting the monster so let them rest. - Riveria replied.

- What exactly happened? - Bete asked.

- Revis appeared and then she summoned a dragon and we fought and defeated it, that is thanks to the captain. - Tione said as her face flushed and she grabbed the captain's arm.

- As much as I would like to be the one that defeated it it was mostly thanks to Bell. - Finn replied.

Everyone got shocked because of the feat that the boy did, he managed to defeat a monster that the captain had trouble with. That is sure an amazing feat, but as the captain already knew, it was not over.

- Now let's see what happened... Oh, this is not what I expected. - Revis said after she appeared from the trees where the dragon was killed.

- I told you the princess was staying with us. - Finn replied.

- Gareth, Bete, go into the forest and hide behing her, she'll probably try to runaway so don't let her. - Finn ordered.

- Now, I would like to know why you know Aria? . - Riveria asked.

- I don't have any reason to answer you, but as you defeated my beast, I'll asnwer just this question.

- Some demi-spirits have mentioned her, saying that she fell in love with a human and had a child with it, and when Aiz entered the dungeon they felt her presence, she is one of hers and they want her back.

- Well, I'm sorry but the princess is ours and you won't have her whether you like it or not. - Riveria replied angered.

Riveria was quite sensible when Aiz was the theme of the conversation, Riveria acted as Aiz's guardian when she entered the familia and Loki jokingly started calling her "mama". So just Revis mentioning Aiz made her really angry.

- Well, we'll see each other another time. - Revis said as she head to the forest.

- I don't think so. - Finn replied.

Gareth and Bete apeared from the forest where Revis was headed. It looks like she didn't feel their presence. She looked startled as she didn't expect this and as she turned the other way to escape, Finn had closed the distance between then and launched his spear towards her chest. She barely dodged it and the spear scratched her arm, she unfolded her sword to fight against Finn.Finn is a level 6 and but her strength is a superior to his, but the experience and skill of Finn fighting are far better than hers, there is when she realized she didn't had anything to do against him. After a few clashes she was covered in blood coming out from her wounds, she was slowly losing her strength and her body didn't respond to her commands,she realized that she was about to die, and that's exactly what happened, Finn attacked her head on, she thought he was being careless, maybe because she wasn't at her best she didn't notice that it was a feint and Finn was already behind her with his spear going through her "heart" (magic stone). Her conscience started to disappear as the last thing she saw was the prum that defeated her standing spear in hand looking at her body.The battle was over, calm reached the 59th floor, after recollecting a few objects from this floor, the party that just made history returned to their camp in the 50th floor. Everything went well as they defeated Revis and the dragon without suffering any major damage. The head of the familia decided to rest for a day before returning to the surface so they could also collect some rare materials from the deep floors, and to wait for Bell and Aiz to wake up, they were both resting in a tent while Lefiya is acting as a guard because she eagerly wanted to do so.

Aiz's POV:

As I woke up, My head was resting in an soft pillow and I was hugging another one. I remember that we were fighting a dragon and that its breath hit me, I don't know what happened after that but it seems that I'm at the 50th floor camp because of the voices outside. As I recalled my thoughts I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Bell's face.He was sleeping peacefully, then I noticed that what I thought it was a pillow was Bell, I had been hugging Bell all the time. I got nervous and I didn't know what to do, I was about to move when Bell moved his arm and started stroking my hair. My head fell on his chest, it was soft, but at the same time it was muscular, I tried to moved but listening to Bell's heart pound made me calm. He kept stroking my hair and it felt quite nice, I was really comfortable laying beside Bell so I decided to stay besides him for a bit more. I thought about the time I had been with Bell. It made me glad to see him grow and get stronger, but it also made me happy to be with him, but in a different way that when I'm with Tiona, Tione or Lefiya, but I cannot explain the reason why. For now I want to keep on training with him.I think is time to wake...

- WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???!!! - Lefiya yelled.

I looked at the door of the tent and I saw Lefiya looking at us, her face look dreadful as she run away yelling. I got up and I noticed that Bell was also waking up, before he opened his eyes, I petted his head and I left the tent.

Bell's POV:

I woke up and I realized I was in a tent. I fell unconscious during the battle so they probably brought me here after that. I stood up and as I was going to leave the tent I smelled a sweet scent on my shirt, it smelled familiar, well, it's not important, I guess I should go and tell the captain that I'm okay.
I left the tent and as I walked through the camp I felt a lot of gazes directing towards me

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