Chapter 19

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I got all my luggage in a suitcase and after saying goodbye to Aiz, Tione, Tiona, Raul and the rest of our party and the head of the familia I went to the north gate of Orario to find a carriage that could take me to my village.

Luckily, I found a carriage that was going to the village before mine, he let me ride the carriage in exchange for protection if monsters or bandits appeared. The trip would take 5 days, and during this time, a few monster attacked but I beat them easily, the monsters outside the dungeon were weaker than the ones inside the dungeon so It was easy for me to take care of them. We didn't have any other problems in our trip and we reached our destination safely. My village was half a day away walking so I decided to sleep in the village I was currently at and continue my way the next morning.

The next morning, after buying a few supplies like water and food I started walking towards my village.

My village was a small one, it is located in the hillside of a mountain near a river that passes by, we were 50 people in the town and all of them worked in farming. We all were like a big family. I was the only child who lived there but there were a few young adults also living there. As I walked through the path in the forest, a lot of memories of my past came to my mind. I remembered how I played with my grandfather and with the animals in the forest, also when I first started training with gramps, how he told me fairy tales about heroes and how I wished to become one, I still do so, these memories kept coming to my mind until I finally reached my destination.

The sun was setting down but I still could see clearly the sight in my eyes, the place I come from, my village.

When I arrived a lot of the villagers came to greet me, it made me really happy to see them and after having a feast with them I walked alone towards my home, I opened the door and I looked at it, everything was like when I left, there was a bit of dust but It still was my home. I cleaned it up a bit and then I went to sleep.

I woke up and as I did in Orario I went training, I went to the back of the house and before I started I looked at it thinking "Here is where everything started..." . I trained as always and after that I helped the villagers with their work. I ate with them and in the evening I went to the top of the hill, where we built gramps tomb. He fell through a hole in the mountain and it was impossible for us to recover his body, so I decided to put his tomb in his favourite place, the top of the hill. I reached it and I sat besides him, I looked at the sunset and I started talking.

- Hey gramps, How are you doing? It's me, Bell. I've become an adventurer and I have reached level 3, thanks to my new family I have improved my skills a lot, you told me to go to the dungeon to save a girl so she falls in love with me but it happened backwards, I got save and I fell in love with a girl, but I'm not good enough for her as of now so I'll work as hard as I can to become good for her.

A tear formed in my eye and It began falling slowly down my cheek.

- I've missed you a lot grampa, I've found a new family but I still miss you a lot. But I swear to you that I'll become strong enough to be able to protect the people who can't protect themselves.

I stood quietly besides gramps looking at the sunset, remembering how we used to come here sometimes to watch the sun set. I don't know how much time had passed but it was already dark as I came back to the village, the village was sleeping quietly, the only sound that could be heard was the river passing by and the crickets. But this peace was interrupted by a roaring monster.


My adventurer instincts got me alerted instantly as I looked for the source of the roar, I looked everywhere around the village but nothing was there. The villagers woke up but I instantly shouted them to stay in their houses.


Another roar came, this time I knew where it came from, and It worried me a lot, I looked at the sky and my assumptions were correct. It was a wyvern.

Wyverns are a type of dragons, they aren't the strongest dragons but they were at least level 3 or 4 in strength, and because this one probably came from the dragon valley it wasn't as weak as the monster I had found. The dragon valley is an unexplored part of the continent at the northernmost part of it, and as it name says, is inhabited by dragons. They've never come to the village before, but it looked like this one got lost and ended up here.

The wyvern flew around the village, from what I could see, it's about 15 meters long and Its scales are red. It was surveilling the area looking for a prey and after a few seconds of him looking directly at me, I realized that I was the prey.

- Everyone!! Stay inside your houses, I'm his prey so I'll take him outside the village and I'll try to defeat him. Don't come out!!

I started running outside the village, I saw the villagers looking at me through the windows terrified. I run towards a little plain located a few hundred meters away from the village, the wyvern followed me there. I turned around and I looked directly at him. It looked like he understood me and it landed on the ground. A duel was about to start between me and him.

I casted a firebolt but it didn't affect him a little, then, he replied my attack with a fire breath, I dodged it and I run towards it, it noticed me and he swung his tail to hit me, I jumped it and I casted a firebolt behind me to use as propulsion. It launched me forward towards the wyvern and it didn't have time to react and so, I stabbed it in the chest, the only part that wasn't protected by its hard scales, I managed to break its magic stone and so the wyvern exploded forming a cloud of dust and disappearing. Lucky enough the wyvern dropped one of his fangs and a few of its scales.

A few moments later, all the villagers came to congratulate me for defeating the wyvern. We celebrated for a bit until everyone went to sleep.

Today It was the day I went back to Orario, I did my morning routine like I used to and after having breakfast and saying my goodbyes to the villagers, I left, but before that, I went to see my grandpa at the top of the hill.

- Well grampa, I'll leave now, I have to go back to Orario, we are going to go to the 59th floor in a few weeks and I need to get ready for it. I'll try to come back here and tell you about it and other adventures I hope I'll have. I'll see you soon. Bye.

- So the 59th floor, that's impressive.

I froze up, I knew that voice to well, a chill ran down my spine. "it couldn' be, I have to be dreaming..." I turned my head around and I saw an old man, with white hair and a white beard, his body was well built for his age, I looked at his eyes and I instantly recognized him, tears began falling down my eyes as I looked at him.

- Grampa?.

- Hello, Bell.

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