Chapter 36

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Everyone thank you for enjoying the story. It means a lot to me to see that you are enjoying it. I hope everyone is fine even though the situation we are currently under is not that good. Enjoy the chapter.

It was almost time to go to the expedition alongside Freya familia. And like the last time, Bell asked for permission to go to his village to see his grandfather, except this time he asked for something else in addition.

- Could Aiz come with me? - Bell asked.

Finn was about to deny it when Loki coughed.

- "Cough cough"...  I'll allow it, but also with one condition. - Loki replied.

- Sure what it is? - Bell replied happily.

- I'll also go. - Loki said quietly 

- Whattt????!! - We all replied stunned to what Loki said.

- How?? You are unable to leave Orario without the guild's permission, what are you talking about! - Bell immediately said.

- Don't worry, they owe me one, go get supplies for  us and tell Aiz that she is allowed to go. Go now! - Loki said as she pushed Bell out of the room. 

Bell left the room confused but happy that Aiz was allow to go with him.

Meanwhile, inside the office, three worried captains interrogated their goddess.

- Why have you decided to go with him? Is something happening? - They asked.

- Don't you worry - Loki replied - I just need to talk to Bell's grandfather.

- Zeus? Why?

- Heaven stuff, don't you worry, I'll tell you all about it when I come back.

- Don't you need an escort? 

- What better escort that two of the strongest adventurers in Orario, don't worry.

Loki stood up and as she was about to leave the room another question came.

- Is it about Aiz? - The soft voice of the Finn sounded across the room.

Loki opened the door and before leaving she slightly nodded. 

"That Finn, every time he keeps getting sharper and sharper" Loki thought.

Inside the room, a stunned Riveria asked Finn.

- What do you mean about Aiz? . Riveria asked worriedly. 

- My thumb tingled the moment Loki allowed Aiz to go, I think they want to ask Zeus about Aiz's past. For what we know, Aria, Aiz's mom, is a spirit, and for what Aiz has told us her father is the hero Albert Waldstein. This is hard to believe due to the fact that Albert lived  centuries ago but it doesn't seem like Aiz is lying to us about it, so I guess that Loki wants to ask Zeus what he knows about this knowing that Zeus is the god who knows more about our world.

- That makes sense, but I'm still worried. - Riveria said.

- Don't worry mom, your daughter can protect herself. - Gareth said laughing.

- Shut up you stupid dwarf! - Riveria replied blushed.

- What are you saying you lanky elf! - Gareth replied angry.

They started to argue while Finn laughed at them so they also started to mock him. It was like they used to do in the past. And with this, night engulfed Orario and the magic lamps started to shine through the city marking the end of another day in the dungeon city of Orario.

The next day was the last day Bell trained with Ottar so Bell thanked him when they finished and after that he went to talk with Freya before parting ways. After all of that Bell also went to the hostess of fertility where they had let him store the supplies and also to talk with Ryu and Freya before leaving. He loaded the carriage and went straight to the manor to pick up Aiz and Loki.

Before we left I got lecture first from Finn to take care of Loki and then from Riveria to take care of Aiz, I felt like two parents were seeing off their children and it made me laugh, which ended badly because Riveria slapped me embarrassed. After that she apologized even more embarrassed than before and with this funny moment they left the manor headed towards Bell's village, it would take them five days to reach the village. 

Bell was driving the carriage while Aiz sat besides him while Loki was sleeping in the back of the carriage. After a pair of hours Bell stopped near a river so the horses could rest a bit and drink some water.

- Where did you learn to drive? - Aiz asked.

- My grandpa taught me, he said it was a necessary skill for an adventurer. 

- Well, if it is you have to teach me. 

- I'll be glad,  but I'm a strict teacher I won't allow you to fail. - Bell replied.

- A strict teacher, well you'll have a rough time because I'm a bit clumsy. - Aiz replied stuttering.

Both of them laughed knowing what they said was a lie and Bell suddenly hugged her.

- What are you doing Bell? - Aiz replied a bit embarrassed.

- Sorry, it's just that I'm really happy that you are going to meet grampa. I'm sure he will like you.

- Do you think so? 

- I'm sure. 

Aiz looked directly towards Bell's ruby eyes and leaned forward. Bell did the same thing and they kissed. After that, they resumed their journey and they kept going until the sunset. 

They decided to camp near the lake because it would be hard to reach the next town without light. Loki had woken up a few minutes after they had stopped to rest and she had been telling them stories about Finn, Riveria and Gareth when they first joined her. She said that they were so stubborn that it took them two years to talk normally without arguing about their race. She also told us about their feats. One of them was how only the three of them, when they were level 4 managed to beat the goliath in the 18th floor and level up to level 5 because of that, and how at a time Finn was going head to head with Ottar to become the strongest adventurer in Orario, but because Finn had to do a lot more administrative work and he also had to train new members he fell back on the race.

- That's true, at one point my Ottar was worried he was going to be surpassed.

A soft and sweet voice came from the carriage. Aiz and Bell instantly went into fighting mode and the stood in front of Loki to protect her.

"Wait a moment, I know that voice" Bell thought.

- What are you doing here Freya? - Loki asked.

A woman jumped out of the carriage and as she got close to us and the fire the light reflected in her white skin and her silver hair and eyes.

- Hello - Freya said - It's nice to come out of the carriage.

Aiz and Bell were confused as they saw the two goddesses coming closer to each other.

- You bitch, I can't believe you were able to do it. How were you able to escape your familia?

- I've got tricks up my sleeve. - Freya replied giggling.

- Wait, you knew about this? - Bell asked.

- Yes, but I didn't want to tell you beforehand because you would ruin it and she would get caught. You still don't know how to lie.

- May we know why both of you decided to come? - Aiz asked.

- Yeah sure. - Loki replied.

As we sat near the fire, the night had finally come and under that sea of stars, Loki and Freya started talking.

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