What Comfort Zone? Part 1

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Jay: "Come in, if it gets that bad we can leave early ok?"

Lachlan: "Yeah alright."

Pulling myself from my chair and putting a shirt on was the easiest part. The hardest part was getting in the car once I had shoes and socks on. Knowing I'd be out of my comfort zone. Jay didn't stop me though, he knew what I was like and as soon as I was buckled in, He and Mitch both done there's and sped off out of my parents drive way. I guess by now Mitch and I could probably self sustain our own place, and I did for a while but I feel like now, especially with my mental health being in such a horrible place, I feel like it would just end horribly if I was by myself. It would kill me and I don't know if I'd be able to handle that. When I'm alone, that's when I start thinking, and even trying to keep myself busy wasn't going to help me out when it comes to getting work done, or even just going shopping. I haven't left the house in months for a period of time longer than an hour. I'd either always be working, or I'd go for lunch with Jay because he dragged me out of my bed and made me come outside for a change.

Jay: "Ok, we are here."

I looked out the window and noticed the small home that she lived in. I was almost a little jealous that she had a home this size, it always felt so much more lived in, much more homely than one like my parents. Yeah it was big and yeah it was nice, but at the same time, There was always empty space somewhere. Or it always felt like there was a place for everything that wasn't being used up. I resented myself sometimes for having access to a luxury when in my mind, I felt like I of all people didn't deserve it.

Jay: "Remember what I said, if you want to leave, you can ok? We don't need to stay the entire time, but the least we can do is stay for an hour. If you need to leave, we can leave. Mitch can get a lift home with Taylor or Billy."

Mitch: "Or I can even call Jackie."

Lachlan: "Are you sure about that?"

Mitch: "If I told her that you and Jay went home early, I know she would be fine with it."

I forgot a while ago that Jay convinced me to talk to my parents about everything that had been going on. I know it took them a little while to understand, being older parents from another time but still, they knew what to do or say to help me if I was in a bad place. It didn't usually help all the time but it was something I guess. Following the two boys, I pulled myself from the car and walked up the drive way while Jay knocked on the door. Billy was already here so I at least knew one other person as Jasmine opened up and let us in, greeting us all as we said our happy birthdays to her and Jay handed over a bag for her holding three items. One from each of us even though I know for a fact one of them will have my name on it. And I'll be just as surprised as she is for what I got her. There were two other people here, one lady with dark hair who looked absolutely adorable in her white polka dot blue dress down to her knees while the other guy had on a white shirt with tan coloured pants. They both gave us a friendly wave while I saw the girl stiffen a little bit seeing me. Maybe she was a fan?

Jasmine: "I'm glad you boys could make it, Billy was dying over here trying to be apart of conversations."

Billy: "Hey don't do that yeah I'm trying. I just didn't know these two before hand so it was a little awkward but I think i made it work."

Jay: "I'm counting 7, we aren't the last ones?"

Jasmine: "Nah I still have two more friends to come yet."

Turning my attention away from the others, I looked around the small living room and saw her PS4 on the ground in front of the tv while her two friends were playing on their switches. It was pretty cool that I had these kinds of friends. Where we didn't need to go out and do big things. Where we could just relax and play games.

Side pack + Friends One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt