Secret Player

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Prompt from spicykiwiwrites Side pack prompt book. There are some good ideas in that go check it out.

Vik's POV

I was never any good at Football, Or at least that's what everyone thought anyway. According to the boys, I was just little Vik that couldn't kick a ball. But in reality, I was probably better than Simon. I kept that part of my whole life a secret, telling them I was a swimmer when in actuality, I was dribbling the ball all over the field. It was probably where I was most happy, Being video games of course. But if I wasnt gaming. I was watching football and critiquing anyone I watched. That was just me though. Trying to point out flaws in other people's game made me feel like I could better myself in game. Just like every other night. Once I have finished editing a video and uploaded my others. I was watching another football match but this time, I was watching this year's Sidemen Match that we did, The one where we lost and I knew Simon was feeling destroyed after that. We were happy for our friends but I know Simon wanted to win, Josh and JJ as well.

Simon: "Vik?"

Vik: "What's up Simon?"

Simon: "Can I come in?"

Vik: "Ok."

I heard my door open as he walked into my room and stood behind me. His arms draping over my body as his fingers curled under the hem of my shirt. He never usually goes any further than that.

Simon: "Are you ok?"

Vik: "What do you mean?"

Simon: "Vik I know you have been watching the sidemen match a lot lately. What are you doing?"

Vik: "Just watching. Trying to learn more about the game so next year I'm not a liability and I might be able to coach instead of play."

I felt him lift his fingers along my toned body, lightly touching my skin before my shirt fell down and he hugged me from above and behind. Kissing the top of my head.

Simon: "Baby boy you did fine considering you had no idea what to do. I was so proud of you."

I smiled at his words. Simon had always been the mum of the sidemen. And Josh being dad obviously. But they all knew that while I might be the smallest, I'm definitely not the baby.

Simon: "It's getting late Vik why don't you get some sleep?"

Vik: "I will eventually. I'm just going to finish watching ok?"

Simon: "Don't stay up too late. You get really cranky when you are tired."

Vik: "Really Simon? Cranky is the word you want to use?"

Simon: "You get fucking annoying too. Go to bed."

Vik: "But Simon."

Simon: "No buts or I'll put you to bed myself."

Vik: "Just cos Josh isn't giving you any doesn't mean you have to try and get some from me."

Simon: "He hasn't fucked me in three weeks. Im almost ready to ask Freezy if he wants in."

Vik: "Gross."

Simon hugged me again before he left the room quietly, Leaving me to the video on my screen. I want to tell them about my ability on the pitch, but at the same time... I kind of don't want to, they will wonder why I didn't say anything before. Or accuse me of deliberately being bad? Maybe I should just "Practice" a lot over the next few weeks and then call for a football video session? Maybe then people will not think I'm just bad. And if they do? I could just tell them that I practiced a lot so I wouldn't be so useless. Well useless in quotation marks.

Lachy: "Vik baby why are you still awake?"

Vik: "I'm watching the sidemen match. We were shit, and so many of the goals from the other team could have been stopped if they simply kept their head on their shoulders."

Lachy: "Simon was guttered about that wasn't he?"

Vik: "Yeah he was so upset. And Josh hasn't fucked him the entire time, I think they are both just depressed they lost."

Lachy: "I'm surprised you decided to still play dumb."

Vik: "I feel guilty, I'm small and I'm quick. I could have won us the game but no, I couldn't let everyone know. I was scared they would think I was throwing the game."

Lachy: "I mean? Vik look in a way you technically were. Deliberately playing at less than what you are capable of is considered throwing. Or losing on purpose. Even if not a single person knew what was really going on."

Vik: "You didn't have to out it like that."

Lachy: "Yeah I did, The only reason I knew you were better than you showed yourself to be was because Mitch pointed it out to me. He said you were running differently, that your feet were perfect but your actions took away the focus."

Vik: "That man is too smart for his own good."

Lachlan: "His boyfriend Aiden pointed it out."

Vik: "That'd be right. OK look Lachlan I didn't throw the game on purpose. I can't let them know. They will hate me for it."

Lachlan: "You have to tell them Vik. The longer they are in the dark the worse it will get. Eventually you won't even be able to play with them because their skill will keep growing and yours will " stagnate." it's not fair on them and you know it."

Vik: "So what if I did tell them and they hated me, judged me for it. Told me I was a horrible friend for making them lose. Then what would I do Lachy?"

Lachy: "I buy you a ticket, and you come home to me baby. I miss you."

Going back to Australia. Well, Brisbane to be exact but still. I might even visit Elliott in Sydney.

Vik: "Can't I just come home anyway?"

Lachlan: "Not until after you... Did you change my name back?"

Vik: "Yes."

Lachlan: "You're acting like a kid. Man up and just tell them."

Vik: "No. The longer they don't know the easier it is for me. If I don't tell them and just "practice" every so often. They will believe I'm getting better."

Lachlan: "I don't trust this one little bit. I love you Vik. But I'll be damned if I let you get hurt because of something so stupid."

Vik: "Then don't worry and trust me."

Lachlan: "Fine. But if you get hurt. I'm flying over there to kick their ass."

Vik: "Deal."

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