Happy Dinner

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Connor's POV

Sitting down in my car while it ran had me nervous. Why I don't know but for some reason, I just felt odd tonight. I've met these people before, Multiple times. Preston has introduced me to them a number of times and every time I had that confidence I was so fond of, I had that feeling of power coursing through my veins and I loved every second of it but right now. I just feel wrong.

"Hey are you ok?" A voice came from my side.

As I jumped from the sudden noise, I looked out the window to see Keeley, Preston's sister watching me, A worried look on her face. 

"You look like you need someone to talk to. Is there something on your mind?" She said, Sounding almost apologetic somehow.

"Uh, I just feel weird. Like, I feel weird tonight. I'm scared and nervous and i don't know. I just feel weird."

Keely just watched me with a bit of worry but she opened the car door and just put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Connor, We like you so far you know. I know Mum loves you and Dad loves you too. The family does like you Connor. It's not the first time we have met you and i hope it's not the last. Yeah it took my parents a bit to get used to the idea as they aren't the quickest to change their ways but they do love you, They love Preston. You have no reason to feel weird or awkward or scared. I assure you of that." She said emotionally to me. Like she was trying to almost convince me of the assurance she had. She had a lot more confidence than I do right now.

"Maybe I'm just over thinking these things?" I told her, Wearing my fear on my face.

As we spoke a little more, Keely trying to cheer me up, I noticed Rob and Lachlan leaving his home. They knew about us and they knew that I was interested in them and that I'd met his parents. I don't know I'm just so on edge tonight.

"Hey Connor, Coming over tonight again. You must be really serious about him." Lachlan, the taller man stated. His eyes watching over me while a sly smirk on my face. 

"Leave him be Lachlan, He seems a bit stressed. Maybe he fucked up?" Rob stated, But I don't think he meant it as a way to be mean or upsetting. I think he was more genuinely worried for me. 

"You guys are leaving, He is coming inside, See you later boys." 

Before even finishing her last sentence, she walked in the front door and closed it up behind us. Keeping the two boys outside and separated from us. 

"Feeling better already?" She questioned.

"I think so, Maybe he didn't mean it like that?"

"Well, If he did or he didn't. He shouldn't have said what he did. Now, Preston is up in his room, Go say hi to him and stay with him for a little bit before dinner, I know he calms you down." As she walked me upstairs to Preston's room. 

As we made our way to his doorstep, Keely knocked on his door and then smiled at me before leaving.

"I'll let mum and dad know to let you guys be for a bit, Talk to each other. Relax Connor, You're fine." Hearing her call the last part out as she walked back down stairs, I don't know, I felt a lot better about myself knowing she had the patience for me. Reminded me of my own sister.

"Look Rob You didn't leave any... Oh, Connor hi." He looked upset and frustrated at first, till his face changed to surprise. "I thought you were coming a little later how are you?" he said, pulling me into his room before giving me a big hug.

His arms swinging around me as I pulled him close, resting my head on his shoulder as I felt the guy bouncing a little, genuinely happy to see me.

"Oh come here I want to show you something. I found something you might like." Said Preston.

Leading me to his closet, he opened it rather harshly before digging in one of his draws, pulling out something wrapped in a velvet cloth. What could be so special that... A rock?

"When I was at Pax with the guys, remember two years ago where we met, I was looking for something I could get for you, and I can, doing the YouTube let's me do stuff like this, but I couldn't find anything so I went outside a little bumbed I couldn't get you something last week, but when I was eating, I found this sitting on the bench beside me. It's really pretty, and a shiny black coat on it with veins of white and blue. It's really pretty and I thought, sometimes the best things we can gift someone doesn't involve money, and I was thinking too hard into it."

He sounded so proud of himself and to be honest, I nearly shed a tear, with how I've been feeling today it just kind of all added up. It was a little scary to me, that he noticed this rock above all others, how pretty it was, and brought it home thinking I might like it. And honestly, I was just falling for him even more.

"Come lay down, let's talk." He said, this time pulling me over to his bed as he flopped down on it, pulling me down with him, not being able to help a smile creeping onto my face.

"You seem quiet, like there's a lot going on right now, are yoh feeling OK?" He asked, rolling over to face me as he snuggled up close and rest his head on my shoulder, causing me to lift my arm up and rest it under his head, letting me run my fingers through his soft hair. Thinking to myself. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I do, I just, Feel like I'm not allowed to talk about me sometimes. Like I talk to much or, I get inside my own head and I just want to tell myself to shut up." I felt a little frustration in my voice and Preston didn't deserve that, not right now, he deserves something beautiful, something special, like a really pretty Black rock you spend a while contemplating if the guy you like might enjoy it.

We lay there on his bed, slowly moving ourselves to leave our heads on his pillows, him not wanting to move from my side while we basked in the surreal silence.

"Preston, I really like you."

"Connor, Really?"

Is that why I'm so nervous tonight? Does my heart sync up with my head, let me think, I'm nervous, scared about what everyone thinks, I feel like I'm shaking, like I have a bunch of anxiety and it won't go away, I feel sick to my core but I know I'm not ill. Is this what liking someone is?

"Connor, I really like you too. I mean I wouldn't invite you over all the time if I didn't right? I wouldn't want you to meet my family now if I didn't. We've been friends for 2 years, and I uh, I've known I liked you for a while. I was just worried I might put you off." He sheepishly said beside me.

"I really like you Preston, Im nervous, scared, anxious, I feel sick but I feel, Happy even being around you. I'm scared to think about, what we are, and even though we are still only young. I really like you." Why is it dark, Are my eyes closed while I'm talking, are they closed? I know I'm scared but am I really scared, like really, really... Fucking hell I'm terrified.

"Hey, Open your eyes please Connor, they are really pretty."

Opening them slowly, I could see him on his side, his head close to mine as I stared at him, like I was staring deep into his soul and I was, in love with his personality, his sense of humor, how clever he was at finding different solutions to things. I loved his family and his upbringing, I loved his family and how nice they are, I loved his friends and how well I was treated when I met them.

"You're my best friend Connor, and I really like you."

"You're my best friend too Preston, and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't see you on my first day here two years ago." I replied, slowly, really wanting to sound everything out for my own conviction.

I saw him smile, and I couldn't help but pull my own, genuinely happy that I started to feel better, could feel my breathing slowing to a natural why was I breathing so quickly?

"Uh, Mum will, Have dinner ready soon, do we want to go downstairs and help set the table?" He said.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." Replying to him as he got off the bed, slowly, walking over to his door and putting his hand on the handle before I stopped him quickly, placing my hand on his, my other on the side of his stomach, holding him close as I let my head fall forward, just, enjoying his company.

"I Promise Preston, I'll always be here for you."

"Always, Connor?"

"Yeah, Always."

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