An Oddball

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Jay's POV

Jay: "You know that isn't how it works right?"

Taylor: "He's your friend right? Then yes it's how it works."

Jay: "No it's not. Just because he has a thing for him doesn't mean the world is going to perfectly align and allow the two to get together."

Ryan: "Is anyone going to ask what Lachlan thinks?"

Lachlan: "It would be nice to be included into a conversation that involves me."

Rob: "It's not directly about you though? You're just part of the conversation because Alex isn't here."

The man was supposed to message me and I would get him to come over to the apartment for the night. That's a lie, I would bring him up but we all know he and Lachlan would likely just awkwardly talk to each other and keep close. Alex usually ending up sitting either in Lachy's lap or the taller man would have Alex's head on his shoulder. It's adorable to see but at the same time, they were just, gravitating to each other. No one even had to say anything because we all just knew there was something there... Now they just need to learn how to talk to each other.

Taylor: "Jealous there?"

Jay: "Hm? Who me? Nah I got Tenneal back home and I've been happy with her for years."

Mitch: "Lachlan, We all know, we don't care, Breathe mate."

Lachlan: "Just cos you're incapable of having an emotion aside from meh."

Letting out a small snicker, couldn't help it, I felt my phone vibrate. Hoping it was Alex so Lachlan would stop moping but alas, It wasn't. But he was on Discord.

Alex: "Nah gotta keep it simple man. It doesn't need to be extravagant. Just something where when it's used, it makes people think yep, that's Jay."

George: "Oh, I think I get it. Hang on let me do something really quick."

Yannis: "No streams till he gets back on the Tuesday right?"

Alex: "Yeah."

Jay: "Alex where are you at the moment?"

Alex: "Finally decided to join the land of the living huh? I'm still on the show floor. Been looking for you and messaging but it seems your phone is as dead as my love for you right now."

George: "Ahh Jay what did you do?"

Jay: "I haven't received any messages today?"

Alex: "Have you tried leaving the apartment and letting your reception kick in?"

Jay: "How do you know about that?"

Alex: "Jay if my phone has been having a few problems on ground floor then yours would be on the spritz up that high. We all saw the video of Lachy in the chair, Come on dude."

Jay: "Alright fine. Hang on."

Jay: "I'm gonna go down and grab some food, anyone want anything?"

Taylor: "I'll come, give me something else to do. Rob I'm surprised you haven't... Nevermind."

Looking over at the Canadian showed him asleep on the couch, The man must still be jetlagged. The two of us took orders for those who wanted something and then left.

Taylor: "So what's the real reason?"

Jay: "Legit my phone doesn't get a connection up there and apparently Alex has been messaging me asking where I am no doubt."

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