How Could Today Get Worse

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Just a re upload from my YouTube one shot book.

Hey guys and welcome to another request this time we have...

Preston(TBNRfrags) and MaskShredder. A reader who would like to put her character.

Scenario: Preston walking through the mall with Mitch and Jerome and bumping into me.

Preston's POV

I was so hungry, and deprived of coffee. I swear these boys are trying to kill me.

Mitch: "Oh don't be so dramatic Preston, it wouldn't be the first time you have gone a few days without coffee."

Preston: "How do you people live like this."

Jerome: "Calm down alright? There is a Cafe just up ahead so you can get your fucking coffee."

Preston: "I don't see why I don't just get a small jar for while I'm here."

I had been staying with the two boys for a few days now and I was staying for another couple of weeks. When I say I could get a small jar, I could probably finish the jar in a week or so.

Jerome: "Because if you don't drink it all, Then Ryan will drink it."

Mitch: "I thought his boyfriend hated the smell?"

Jerome: "He puts up with it enough."

I had met that guy while I was here, he's the same age as Landon but not quite. For example Ryan was born the year earlier. But a few months down the track. It makes sense in my head at least.

Jerome: "Anyway Preston, what would you like to eat?"

We walked into the Cafe and ordered our meals, Taking a seat as I could smell the allure in the air, the smell of that which was created from the gods themselves for humans to marvel in its greatness.

Mitch: "I think Preston is having a coffee gasm."

Preston: "You dare defile the gods heathen."

They both started laughing at me before we continued waiting for our meals. The coffee coming out and I swear I almost jumped out of my seat to get to it just a little sooner than I wanted to.

Jerome: "Dude breathe, I think you have a problem."

Preston: "My only problem is you guys not taking this seriously."

Mitch: "I'll take this seriously when you stop acting like a child."

Preston: "Never."

A few minutes later, our meals arrived and I almost came again, I really should get that looked at, allowing me to dig in and start eating my sandwich. I was hungry but not so hungry to order a full English breakfast like Jerome, where as Mitch just opted for a salad. I know he's so healthy... Right. Half an hour later when we were ready to leave, I ordered another cup for the trek home. Knowing I'd need to make it last.

Mitch: "Preston you remember where the car is right?"

Preston: "Yeah why?"

Mitch: "Jerome and I need to head in and get a few things. And yes we will get a jar of coffee for you. Just meet us back at the car ok?"

Preston: "OK sounds good."

As they nodded and headed off to get some groceries, I waited patiently for my coffee, and when it arrived God damn it smelt so good. The hot liquid immediately filling the deep and dark void in my heart. The bitterness ironically smooth down my throat... Ha. Gay.

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