Submitted by Anonymous

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My family has always been broken, I can't remember a time where we were all genuinely happy. From a young age, my parents weren't satisfied with their marriage. They always fought, made me choose sides, while I was sitting in the center crying and sobbing for them to stop.

My mom always made it seem like my dad was "The Bad Guy." She told me lies about him. I, of course, was too young to see right through, so I perceived her lies as truth. I hated my dad for a few years, I'm not even sure why I hated him. Maybe because mom would talk about all the horrible things he's done.

I never did really see the good in anything. All my mother used to say to me was "He's horrible because ________" and she laid all her problems on me. She's ALWAYS told me her problems, I don't why she would think a 6 year old would understand what the hell was going on, or why I would even care. My childhood turned out to be miserable, fighting, yelling, and complaining.

In 4th grade, everyone grew out of their immaturity. Well, most did. I struggled with math for a while during that year. Never asking questions because I thought the teacher would yell at me for being wrong. Anyways, I didn't think dressing up for school was THAT big of a deal.

I was bullied for always wearing my hair in a pony-tail, and for the clothes I wore.

How stupid kids were to judge my hair and clothing choices. If I wanted to wear a sweatshirt with skinny jeans, I was going to fucking wear it. I imagine they couldn't find something other to do than laugh at me.

I didn't care that kids made fun of me until they called me a slut. Do you even know what you're saying? Do you know what that word means?

That word was used so openly, it made me sick to my stomach.

I became depressed. The names they called me worsened and I was to afraid to say anything, always thinking someone would yell at me. Yell at me for being imperfect, ugly, stupid, and other flaws I may or may not have had at the time.

I stared at myself in the mirror everyday when I came home from school thinking, "What's wrong with me? Why is everyone so mean to me?" I tried to end my life.

Luckily I found actual friends that year. I started sports, boxing, track, and basketball. I made so many friends in the upcoming years. I'm a freshmen attending a highschool in the states, and looking at those bullies now.... I'm not jealous.

Finally I'm happy with the way I look. I don't need to be judged by you, I have myself for that.

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