Submitted by @autumnrose25

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It mainly started when I was twelve, all my friends around me started "developing", or in other words, getting boobs. I was growing taller, but my chest was still flat.

Eventually, they started to tease me. At first it was all in good fun and I would try to laugh along. Even though I was laughing and smiling, it still hurt to have my friends tease me about something I was so self conscious about.

I didn't tell them what they said hurt me because I thought they wouldn't understand. Their words grew harsher as the weeks went on, and in the locker room they were merciless.

I would go home and Google stupid things like, "how to make your boobs grow" and "how to stuff your bra". I would cry every night and pray to god that I'd somehow get breasts overnight.

I remember when I tried to tell my friends, they didn't really seem to care and said they'd "try not to bring it up as much". Obviously they didn't understand what I meant, because they continued the next day.

Fast forward two years and now I'm 14. My friends haven't really stopped with the cruel jokes and comments, and now my sister has even started as well.

On the night of 8th grade graduation, I was running around my house to get ready, only in a ridiculous and unnecessarily lacy push-up bra. I was hoping it might make me look like I have something there. My sister came in the bathroom and said "Nice bra, you still have no boobs though, good luck ever getting a boyfriend". I said nothing back and pretended she was never there. It wasn't the first time a comment like that had come from her, either.

My grandma even comments on my lack of breasts, which can be extremely embarrassing. For a while I hated myself, and I thought I looked likes little boy. It hasn't really stopped, but fortunately I've come to realize boobs mean nothing. Boobs don't measure intelligence, or kindness, or talent. All they are are sacks of fat used to feed babies.I don't really know if there's a lesson to this story, but if there is one it's probably remember to love yourself.

And I guess there were a couple of things that helped me realize, one being celebrities. I started to notice that even some celebrities and models had flat chests. It kind of showed me that even "famous" people didn't always have larger chests.

Also, I tried to focus on other parts of me that I really loved (like my eyes, legs, etc.) and that helped me forget about the whole boob thing, and helped me just love myself in general.

Another thing I realized was that in life, there are way worse problems than having a flat chest. One thing that really helped me was this funny comic thing on the Internet called "flat girl perks". It was all these little images that said stuff like "you can sleep on your stomach!" and "no bra, no problem!". They kind of helped me realize being flat chested has it's perks, too! So it really was a combination of things that helped me come to realize the size of your breasts really doesn't matter.

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