Chapter 12 - Funny Faces and Falling Over

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Chapter 12 – Funny Faces and Falling Over

We had just got on the bus, when Zach came and sat next to me. Leah and Lissa were already sat next to each other on the row behind me and Zach, and his friends Sam and Rayne sat in the row next to us. They had followed us girls onto the bus like lost puppies. We couldn’t get rid of them even if we tried. Not that we... I mean Lissa and Leah, were trying to get rid of their new admirers. They were currently in a heated debate, while Zach came over and started to annoy me.

“Hey Lila!” Zach greeted me, “Is this seat taken?” He asked, but considering he was already sat down on the seat in question, answering him was pointless.

“It is now, I guess.” I muttered. “Why are you calling me Lila?” I asked, curious.

“Maybe I’ll tell you someday.” Was his annoying response.

“So what dorm block are you in?” I asked, trying to make conversation because he was sat there either staring at me, or into space.

His eyes lit up and he teased me, “Wouldn’t you like to know? I would have never pegged you as a pervert Lila. You’re full of surprises!” He said innocently.

“Hah! I’ll show you what I’m full of!” I muttered to myself angrily.

“Oh, yes please!” He replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

“No- I didn’t mean it like that- I meant.” I gave up finishing the sentence, because Zach wouldn’t have heard me above the sound of his own laughter.

I started laughing soon after because his friend, Sam, was making funny faces behind Zach’s head. Childish I know, but when you see someone, especially a boy, fluttering his eyes lashes and pouting like the biggest diva alive, all directed at the back of his best friend’s head, I couldn’t stop the laughter that burst out of me. I think these guys are going to make this summer of boot camp even more enjoyable than I imagined. Well, if Zach ever stops annoying me.

We were sat on the bus when suddenly Zach asked me, “So, who is Jerry and can I see those pictures you took back in there?”

I blushed thinking about how I could explain who Jerry was and show him the pictures without embarrassing myself. Yeah, impossible.

“Um, Jerry is my invisible cabbage, who helped us win the challenge in Asda.” I said, hoping he would forget about the pictures and focus on how weird I must be, and therefore leave me alone. But no such luck.

He laughed and then asked about the photos again. To which I said, “We didn’t take them on my phone.” Hoping again, that would be the end of it. But no, Lissa had to pop into our conversation at exactly the wrong time and hand him her phone, which held all the pictures.

He proceeded to go through each picture and laugh at them, the whole of the rest of the journey back to boot camp. Yeah, great, thanks Lissa. Laugh it up player, laugh it up.

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