Prologue - Running...

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Prologue - Running...

I just can’t understand how things have come to this.

I'm running. Running away trying to reach the only good thing that’s happened to me in my life. Running away to save myself... from here. Them. The ones who took some of the pain away, only to trade the pain for confusion, terror and more pain. Betray me.

But the one who meant the world to me? I was confused about him too. Confused over him, Is there even an us to contemplate about? But I wasn’t running away from him... no I was running towards him. Well, trying to. I didn’t know where he was. I just knew he was here and I definitely needed to be away from here... them.

A voice startled me out of my hazy, downwards spiral into dark thoughts, ‘D! You must keep running! Stop thinking about that now and keep running, don’t stop!’ The voice in my head, one of two, scared me even more and I ran even faster. Not even realising when I had come to a stop.

Oh, that’s right. I forgot to mention that, didn’t I? Not only am I running from them, I’m running from the voices in my head that scare me, but give me a sense of home, warmth, protection and even love. All these things I have wanted my whole life, but have never been in my grasp to hold onto. Each time I am near, the grasp and the person with it, escape me and slip away, to never return again, or replace the lost feeling they leave me behind with. The voice, most prominent of all, now and forever, sounds like my own and seems to know what I want, and want it too, before I even know.

The wind snarls in my face, an angry howling accompanied by the howling from behind me. The anger, oh the anger on their faces. I must not stop. I cannot see their anger again. Anger, all directed at... me.

The wind was fighting against my every step, as I tried to run even faster, but I knew I couldn’t keep running like this forever. But I was nearly there! I couldn’t give up now!!

The moon was high in the sky. Illuminating and trying to pave a path for me to run, trying to help me, like it has before. Peeping out from behind mist and cloud, just when I need it to. But everything still alluded to something sinister and dark. Something like what I was trying to run from.

They were grunting and snarling as they ran behind me, giving chase. My breath was panting out of me, the steam creating clouds in front of my face, hampering my ability to see even more. The rain was pounding into me now, trying to help the wind prevent my escape. But I needed to escape, needed to run, I needed no, had to be free, free at last. Each step I took matched three of their enormous strides. I could hear them getting closer, their big forms gaining on me.  There was no way I could outrun them, not like this.

‘Take a right here!!’ The voice from earlier shouts in my head, just as terrified as I’m feeling, ‘Please, listen!’

So I do. For once, I trust the voice in my head. The voice that was there to help me, stayed by me, always. Even when my own family deserted me.

I swerve to the right and nearly slip to the muddy, moss covered ground. The branches whip at my sides and face in unrelenting smacks, as I finally reach the cover of the trees. I am safe... finally.

But, then I hear an all consuming silence surround me. Everything just stopped.

Then the darkness consumes my senses one by one. ‘What’s happening to us?!’ The voice inside my head exclaims, worried. Then even that fades. For a fleeting moment, before I let the darkness overwhelm me I thought I heard somebody desperately calling my name. Then... nothing.


(A/N) – Dedicate to CleoBeckw because she is awesome really, nuff said. lol. XD

Hey to anyone who’s reading this, I much appreciate it. :D Please be kind, this is my first story. I’ve been trying to come up with something to write for awhile but had exams and kept forgetting to write ideas down. Well, now my exams are done, I have lots of free time and some ideas. Therefore, as long as I don’t get writers block, I should be updating quite often.

Oh and you may be thinking that the title and the prologue above, don’t really seem to go together or make sense. That’s because the prologue is something that happens way, way later on into the story. And at the moment doesn’t relate at all to the book and won’t make sense until much later on in the book. :) So, the rest of the book until much later won’t be like this.

Anyway, I’m rambling, like I always seem to do. Except when writing books I have just discovered. lol. So, right, vote comment fan whatever you want. :) I’m not the kind of person to push for votes, comments or fans. But if like it, I would appreciate some feedback. Good or bad. Well, as long as it’s constructive :)

Picture to the side is of Main character :) Dae Storm :)

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