Chapter 1 - Boot Camp... WHAT?!

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Chapter 1 - Boot Camp... WHAT?!

--Delilah’s POV--

“How could you do this to me?!” I shouted at my step-mother completely outraged.

You may be a bit confused, let me fill you in...

My step-mother, Mandy has apparently decided, to send me off to a boot camp. A boot camp! Not some regular camp, like she’s sent me off to every other summer, but boot camp. And also, to make matters even worse, my dad has agreed to this.

Every year when it gets to summer, Mandy and my dad send me to some sort of camp, while they live the high-life on some kind of expensive holiday, or just party with their other nasty friends, getting drunk and laid every night. Ew. They don’t really want me, which is why I go to boarding school for the rest of the year and camp when I can’t go there. My dad can’t stand to even look at me after mum died. But this year, as you can tell from the whole me going to boot camp, it’s different.

According to Mandy, I “need to go to boot camp. And need to learn to respect other people and not be so reckless.” Haha, I found that pretty funny considering I don’t really do anything reckless at all, but they go out partying until dawn, nearly every night that there’s a party going on. I’m just a normal teenager who wants to be noticed by their parents, well dad. Mandy isn’t my mum and never will be, no matter how hard she tries, which she doesn’t, try I mean. She’s plastic, fake and only cares about me when my dad’s around. So yeah, I don’t like her.

Anyway, so because according to Mandy, I need to learn discipline and respect, I’m going to boot camp. Arggghhh! I hate her.

I’m sat in the car this very moment, waiting to arrive at this boot camp. I can’t believe this. I’m nearly 18 but they still try to boss me around and make me do things I don’t want to. Like, go to this camp for instance. Mandy told me the camp is called Wolf Boot Camp, WBC for short, I didn’t think she was being serious to start with, but then she said the letters stand for something, but decided not to tell me and just shoved me into the car, followed by my suitcase. Again, I hate her.

So here I am, sat in the car about halfway to camp, with Mandy ignoring any questions I try to ask. So, I plugged in my headphones and tried to go to sleep and hope that this is all one big nightmare...


--Zach’s POV--

“Are you telling me, that I have to go to a boot camp as part of my Alpha training?!” I roared at my best friend and future Beta, Sam as he nodded.

“WHY?!” I asked. “How is this meant to help me in any way?”

“You’re going because the Luna and Alpha, your parents, have ordered that you need to go. They said you’re going because other packs of wolves are going to be there and some humans too, and that you need to learn to get along with lots of different people, if you’re going to be the future Alpha. Just get over it, I’m going too and I have.” he replied, whilst looking mildly bored at my outbursts.

“But, but... arghh! Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t want to.” I said.

“Good, because we’re going right now. You’re bags have been packed and your parents have been waiting for nearly half an hour for me to convince you to go. Now let’s move, before they get any angrier and we get any later!” Sam said triumphantly.

We were in the car and nearly there before I knew it...unfortunately.


--Delilah’s POV--

I woke up and realised the car had finally stopped and unfortunately, this wasn’t a dream. My dad and Mandy had really gone too far this time.

I got out of the car and took the suitcases from the boot. Mandy, who was driving the car, raced off without a thought. I showed the reversing car my middle finger and then turned to take a look at the camp.

The perimeter of the camp was surrounded by tall trees and thick hedges, which should have looked scary and felt like I was trapped in, which they did, but they also held a sense of beauty, as they swayed in the wind gracefully. There was also a massive, imposing iron gate, which we must have passed to get into the grounds, to be where I am now.

In front of me was a small building and behind it, there was lots of quaint looking log cabins, which I couldn’t really see properly.

Suddenly, a man with a clipboard appeared in front of me, seemingly from nowhere and asked my name. I told him and he gestured for me to follow him.

I looked around some more, I was speechless. Maybe this boot camp won’t be so bad...


(A/N) – Dedicated to RandomMoii cuz she is also awesome, I think i have a running theme here... :/ oh well. :)

Hey to anyone who’s reading this, I much appreciate it. :D Hope you like it :)

I got the boring chapter which was mostly setting the scene out of the way and now can move onto the good stuff, lol. :)

Again, so vote, comment and fan if you want to :)

Picture to the side is Main guy character :) Zach Hunter :)

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