Chapter 3 - Newbies? Hot ones ;)

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Chapter 3 – Newbies? Hot ones.

We were all sat in the Hall, trying to pay attention to Officer Trunch who was droning on and on about rules this and you can’t do that. But, my gaze kept wondering to my latest text to Lissa. Yes, we were texting each other and yes, we were sat right next to each other. But it’s fun, as long as you don’t get caught and trying to be sly doesn’t work. You’ve got to be blasé and appear unbothered by anything. So, therefore when being sly, the best way to be sly, is by not being sly at all. This I have proven to work many times, in school and at home, when in situations where mobiles aren’t meant to be used.

Anyway, the Hall was hard not to gaze around with awe and wonder. The room’s shape, added to the character and uniqueness, for it was a kind of pentagon shape. Which is probably why everything such as the corridors were weird, twisting paths. The Hall itself had massive, floor to ceiling cream walls, except for one wall, which we were all facing now. It was a glass wall, which reflected the light beautifully, but there was a presentation screen currently blocking my view of the camp, which was behind this building and that wall. The floor was made of gleaming, mahogany brown wood and the walls were adorned with pictures of happy memories and laughing fac–

I was jolted out of my thoughts as the Halls impressive doors swung open and crashed against the walls. Only to rebound and shut again and then we heard muffled laughter. We all looked at each other, confused about what was happening.


--Zach’s POV--

We rushed at the Hall’s big doors, now that we could see them and they swung open viciously under our combined force. Then there was a big crash. I caught a glimpse of everyone inside, staring at us and then the doors swung back at us and we had to leap out of the way to not get thrown off our feet or crushed. We looked at each other and then I realised Sam hadn’t been fast enough and had indeed been thrown off his feet and had a startled and confused look on his face, whilst sprawled on the floor. I burst out into laughter.

“Haha! Oh! The look on your face... haha! Priceless!” I laughed while he just sat there disgruntled and then slowly made his way to his feet, while rubbing his undoubtedly sore butt. This only caused me to laugh harder, of course.

The doors banged open and an impressively sized woman came out, her face bright red with anger, as the doors swung shut behind her. Uh oh.

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