Chapter 4 - Roommates...

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Chapter 4 – Roommates...

When the commotion had finished and everyone’s attention was back on Officer Trunch, unfortunately her lecture continued.

This time however, her words brought me out of the weird trance like, bored state I had fallen into, shortly after she continued speaking.

“Ok, everybody. Now it’s time to go to your dorm rooms and meet your roommates!” She said excitedly, “People with surnames starting with A-F, please go over to Officer Yule over there and get your dorm and room keys. Ok, people with...” I ignored her again, my surname won’t come up for awhile.

I turned to Lissa and asked, “What’s your surname again?”

Lissa replied, “Wright. You?”

“Storm.” I answered.

“No way! That’s an awesome surname! Oh, and at least we’ll be together right till the end of this. I thought I was going to have to sit here on my own for the whole time.” Lissa grimaced.

“Nope. We’ve just got to wait this out.” I grimaced too.

We both watched as the two new boys, the ones who entered only a few minutes ago, got up and walked to get there room keys. God, they were so graceful in movement. Then again, everyone I’ve seen has moved with an inner grace, their steps and movements just seem to flow. Whilst I feel like a clumsy elephant in comparison.

“Hey, how old are most of the people here?” I asked Lissa, as we watched the boys leave the room, through a door by the glass wall.

“17 and upwards. Mostly, people are around 18 though.” She replied, “How old are you? When’s your birthday?”

“17, nearly 18 though and I can’t wait! I’m 18 on 27th July. What about you?” I said excitedly.

“I’m 18, just. My birthday was about two weeks ago on 8th July.” She replied.

“Aww, lucky. Happy belated birthday though–” I started.

I stopped as I caught Officer Trunch say, “People with surnames starting with N-S, please go over to Officer Goole on the left.”

“I guess that’s my cue. I’ll see you later I hope.” I said to Lissa in farewell, thinking we probably wouldn’t see each other again though unfortunately.

I made my way over to Officer Goole, who was a large man, that I don’t have a clue how he earned the title of Officer. I took my room and dorm key. My dorm was no.13 and my room was letter B. That sounded familiar, but I couldn’t remember where from, oh well. With a final wave to Lissa, I exited the Hall and walked outside. I made my way to dorm 13, after a lot of stumbling along the paths, getting lost and nearly tripping over tree roots and my own feet a couple of times. Oops, I did say I felt clumsy, but that’s probably due to the fact that I am clumsy. I just felt more so than normal. But then again, I’m not normal. I’m weird old me.

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