Chapter 7 - First Day... The Finals?!

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Chapter 7 – First Day... The Finals?!

--Zach’s POV--

Surprisingly, Rayne was really holding up well. He didn’t seem to have any strength, but sure had endurance and was quick on his feet. He managed to keep up with Sam and I just fine and we were running, we hadn’t stopped running since this stupid challenge started. Sam and I had kept trying to engage in conversation with Rayne. But we only got scared or stuttered answers. After a while we gave up, trying to save the poor boy from having a heart attack. But when we had gotten answers from him, he seemed really cool, someone who both Sam and I could be good friends with. And once even, when I tripped and nearly took Sam down with me, he laughed and smiled, before catching himself and looking at us with wide, panicked eyes. When we did nothing, but continued on as we had before, he relaxed again.

We reached an ice rink type thing; we could see the finish line the other side of this rink. Rayne slipped and fell, then curled up into a ball, whimpering.

“Rayne! Are you ok? What’s wrong?” We asked.

The only reply we got was him whimpering more and chanting quietly “Please don’t hurt me, please. Please don’t hurt me.”

Over his head and crumpled figure, which we had rushed to when he fell, Sam and I shared a concerned look. “We’re not going to hurt you Rayne. We like you.” I said slowly, trying not to startle the kid. I call him a kid, but he is actually slightly older than me and Sam at just 18, I had found out.

“No you don’t! You will hurt me. Please, don’t hurt me.” He said scared, “People always hurt me.” He whispered and then closed his eyes as if to brace himself against a painful onslaught. An onslaught he expected from us.

“Rayne, we won’t hurt you. We promise.” Sam said softly, I looked at him, his eyes seemed haunted, then I got what Rayne meant. “Who always hurts you Rayne? We will hurt them for you.”

“NO!! No, you can’t! You’ll make things worse! No! Please!” Cried out Rayne hysterically.

“Ok. Ok. We won’t hurt them.” I reassured him.

Sam muttered, “Yet.” Rayne didn’t seem to hear him. “Who always hurts you Rayne?” Sam persisted. But we still got no answer.

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