Chapter 9 - Second Day... Shopping?!

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Chapter 9 – Second Day... Shopping?!

We all piled out of the buses and found ourselves at Asda. Right, I thought The Trunch was joking about us needing to go shopping, I guess not. Oh well, shopping is a lot better than some other trials we could be doing instead, I suppose.

I’m not a typical girl. I like shopping, but only if it’s for my kind of clothes. You know: band shirts; graphic tops; random cool shirts; coloured skinny jeans; converse and vans. That’s pretty much it. Other than that, I like to just waste the money on my father’s credit card, making sure that his bitch of a wife doesn’t take all his money, making sure I have some too. It’s revenge in a weird, twisted sense.

Anyway, we all went into Asda, to see that everyone was crowding around lots of trolleys. Hmm, they were definitely being serious about this... really didn’t expect to be doing something like this at a boot camp.

The Trunch walked in with her head held high, like she knew we were all waiting for her to tell us what we needed to do, and because of that, she decided to torture us a bit longer by making her way to us extremely slowly, leaving us in suspense.

“Right.” She dragged out, “You will be working in the same teams as last time, like I’ve said.” This earned a few groans. “In your three you will have one trolley between you. You must put everything on your shopping list, when you find something, into your trolley. You must all work together as a team, to get the items as quickly as possible. However, your team of three cannot split up, you all need to be in one aisle at all times and when changing aisle, you must all be together, side by side. Everyone clear?” We all nodded or voiced our agreements. “Right, well Officer Goole will give out shopping lists, one per group and don’t try to cheat by changing any items, because all the lists are the same, so we’ll know if you’ve changed anything.”

After she said that, I heard a group of boys near us mutter, “Damn!” Obviously they were thinking of cheating, well not anymore.

“Officer Yule will give your group one trolley when you go up to collect a list.” She finished.

Once all the sheets and trolleys had been given out, we were taken to something which I presume was a starting line. We all had to line up in our teams, down the length of Asda and run off to get the list’s items when Trunchie said so. “Ok. Three... Two... One and a half, HA! Got some of you then!” She laughed evilly, “... One, GO!”

Everyone rushed off, some trying to follow others that looked like they knew where they were going. Most people ran off to the left or straight-ahead, so we went right, trying to avoid the crowd of teens scrambling around, trying to find things.  Yeah, probably not a good idea for me to try following them, I’d probably fall on my ass, get trampled on a couple of times and then not be able to get up off the floor, it takes too much effort. What? I said I was lazy.

I was given the job of holding the shopping list and calling out what we needed, when we got to the aisle. Lissa has to push the trolley. And Leah is directing us and fetching thing she sees further on from us. Leah has really come out of her shell now, she doesn’t blush when we both look at her, she has taken control of us and the situation more than once. I really like both Liss and Leah, I’m so glad they are my roommates. I was pulled out of my musings by a loud crash. I looked down to see ‘John West Tuna’ cans all over the floor around my feet. Hmm... guess I didn’t look where I was going, oops. I looked up at Liss and Leah who were laughing at me... again.

Werewolf Boot Camp, How You Saved Me.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon