Chapter 10 - Invisible Cabbage... Jerry

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  • Dedicated to THE SUN!!

Chapter 10 – Invisible Cabbage... Jerry

We rushed to the end of the aisle, only for our trolley to collide with none other than the Barbie crew.

“OMG! You like totes just broke my nail this time!” Cried one, as another last rushed to try to help her in some way.

“OMG! I like, so don’t care!” Was Leah’s sarcasm filled, overly cheery reply.

Our group turned around to head to the checkouts, we were just about to reach one, when our way was blocked by Queen Barbie Bitch, Cherry.

“What are you doing Cherry?” One of her clones asked.

We turned to see that she had a fake innocent expression on her face. They were up to something. I quickly turned back around, only to see that Cherry was no longer there, weird.

I called back Leah’s and Lissa’s attention and we quickly started loading up the conveyer belt with the stuff from our trolley, as the officer at the end of our checkout lane watched us.

Lissa quickly hopped into the chair, sitting behind the till and started to as quickly as she could, ring through all of our goods.

Once Lissa and I had put everything onto the conveyer belt, I took the time to look around. I realised we were the only people at a check out, so we were either first, or last by a mile.

“Great, we are probably last and will have to do some kind of forfeit now.” I sighed, while thinking about it.

“Actually Miss Storm, you are in first place at the moment-” The Officer at the end of our lane started, looking up from ticking the things off the shopping list, that Lissa put through the scanner, as Leah packed them away into shopping bags, just as I cursed myself for thinking out loud, again. But Cherry interrupted us.

“Not for long.” She cackled, as her and her clones, pulled up to the checkout next to ours and started putting their things onto the checkout belt.

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