Chapter 11 - Caught

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Chapter 11 - Caught

“We weren’t doing anything I swear!” I shouted.

“Yeah sure you weren’t.” The guard said who was currently dragging us all along.

I should probably fill you in.

After I said, “What could go wrong?” Something went wrong. Obviously, or we wouldn’t be being dragged away by two beefy security guards.

I sighed. Everything was going so well. We were sneakily following the trio of boys and had managed thus far, to not get spotted. We were close enough to hear bits of what they were saying, but if they turned around, we couldn’t be seen.

We were just about to stop playing around and either talk to them, or walk away to do something else, when Lissa had an idea. As we were spying, we still were taking silly pictures of each other, now they were mostly of us pretending to be spies and creeping around corners, looking around, with our ‘guns’ drawn. Really we were using water pistols we found. They were so awesome. But unfortunately, not filled with water to our despair.

Anyway, Liss had the idea that we should start taking pictures of us with the guys, like doing silly poses right behind them and pretending to shoot them with water. Basically, we were having a blast, until he came. We had been falling behind and not really playing along with the spy mission anymore. The boys were at the end of the aisle, while we were at the start of it.

“What on earth are you doing?” A voice came from behind us. “I’ve been watching you-” He started.

“Wow, creepy dude.” We all whipped around, with our hands help up by our heads in an I surrender pose. When we turned we saw a mean looking, large security guard. Busted.

“-taking pictures of those boys and making fun of them.” The guard finished, glaring.

“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. We weren’t making fun of them.” Leah said nervously. “Umm, yeah. We know them, so it’s ok.”

“Oh ok.” The guard said and we all breathed out a sigh of relief. “So you won’t mind if we go up to them and talk to them right? Ok. Let’s go. Oh and give me the guns.” He said with a smirk.

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