Chapter 2 - Hallway Mishaps

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 Chapter 2 - Hallway Mishaps

The man with the clipboard was quite tall and well muscled, with darkly tanned skin and a balding head. He also has a jagged scar, which ran from his chin in an arc to his left eyebrow, marring his otherwise relatively handsome face. But, his eyes hold a somewhat sinister squint and constantly seem to be assessing me and our surroundings, as if a random-assed hooligan would jump out of the room right next to us and threaten us with party poppers. He seemed like he would find this type of opponent most scary, for he didn’t seem to have ever felt any sense of joy or understood happiness, by the calculating and bored looks he was projecting.

He led me through long twisting corridors, apparently looks can be deceiving. For, the small building I first thought would be nothing more than a meeting place, an entrance, or a meet and greet building, from which we would the progress to somewhere else. I was wrong. In fact, the small building wasn’t small at all. It was an entrance, but it also held activity rooms, conference rooms, a game room and the big Hall that I was being taken to now. Well, so I was told.

The corridor I was being taken down was decorated with pictures of past years of boot camp members. I took a closer look and realised that everyone didn’t look too angry, tired or upset about being there... here.

I turned to look back towards clipboard man and realised he wasn’t there. Damn, he must not have realised I stopped and carried on walking, or he got fed up of me and pretended ignorance and snuck away from me... which doesn’t seem all that unlikely.

I tentatively followed the path of the corridor I was in, “He must have gone this way, for there’s no other way to go.” I reasoned with myself, trying to calm down. I cautiously reached the end of the hallway and looked around, “Great.” I thought to myself, “Which way do I go now?”. I had reached some kind of an indoor roundabout, with three other exits, not including the corridor I had just come from, with a massive water cooler and a plant in the middle.

“What should I do?” I thought to myself as I poured a drink, “Do I stay here and wait for him to come back, with him all mad at me for not following him?... Or, do I try and find my own way to the mysterious hall?”

“It like might totes help if you like stop talking to yourself. But like then again, maybe not.” I suddenly heard an annoyingly high pitched, whiny voice state from behind me. I whipped around and found nobody there.

“God, I’m even hearing voices that don’t even exist now.” I said to myself. “Bimbo ones too, great.” I muttered.

“Hearing voices? That’s like another sign of madness, you know?” The voice came again, this time if someone was there, I was prepared for it. I whirled around the other way this time and saw someone just coming out of a corridor to try to join me where I was. Try. Before they took another step towards me I threw the ice cold cup of water in my hand in their direction. To my credit, all of this happened in less than a second, so I didn’t even know who was standing there, if anybody even was, when I turned around and flung the water in their face.

“Oh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know anyone was there!” I exclaimed which I didn’t know for certain, so I wasn’t lying, exactly. I thought as I reached in my pocket and offered her some tissues, “Here let me help you.”

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