Chapter 8 - Second Day... A new day, a new challenge

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Chapter 8 – Second Day... A new day, a new challenge.

By this time everyone had realised that this boot camp wasn’t normal. The challenges we have to do aren’t what I expected at all, when I think of the words boot camp. I think of some kind of military training, which is a far cry from what we ended up doing today.

We were pleasantly woken up by the sound of screeching filling our dorm room, again. I jumped out of my bed and quickly assured everyone we should do the same as yesterday. We all agreed and ran for the button. The damn red button that was quickly becoming the bane of my existence. Well, apart from the Barbie bitches from hell, Justin Bieber, One Direction and my family.

Anyway, we ran out of the bedroom and into the living room, where we split up. I rushed into the kitchen and started searching. I did a half-assed job, thinking that the button wouldn’t be in the same room two days running. Of course, I was wrong.

I looked in the cupboards that I could reach without much effort. Meaning I didn’t have to bend down or reach high. What? I’m small and lazy. Oh yeah, I probably haven’t even told you what I look like, not that I’ve had much time. I’m: 5”4; long brown, wavy hair that goes haywire pretty much constantly; have an awesome sense of fashion, if I do say so myself; have boring brown eyes and that’s pretty much all I can think of to say.

Anyway, I could hear screams of frustration from Liss and Leah, so I gathered they weren’t really getting anywhere in their search. I was about to give up on looking in the kitchen, when I saw the massive fridge out of the corner of my eye. Right, how did I miss that?! My legendary detective skills must still be on holiday I gather. I quickly opened the fridge door and was shocked to find another red button. Again, it wasn’t hard to miss, for it was the only thing in the now empty fridge. The button was easier to get to today as it was just entangled in plastic carrier bags. I ripped them open and pushed the button. Again I revelled at the sweet silence and stood still for a few moments, relishing hearing absolutely nothing. Then of course, that serenity was broken.

Leah and Lissa crashed into the kitchen to see me with the red button in hand and started shouting questions at me, trying to see if they could work out what today’s challenge was. I couldn’t make out a word they were saying and just put my fingers in my ears and skipped out of the room, after tidying up the mess I had made. I skipped along singing about how I couldn’t hear them and la la la la etc. In the end they got tired of me and pushed me over, so I landed face first onto my bed, where they proceeded to try and tickle the life out of me.

“Guys... ahaha... no, stop... haha... please... hahaaha, guys?” I asked whilst laughing, they seemed to be really into this now and didn’t seem to want to stop, “.... ok, ok... MERCY!” I shouted.

“Mercy? What’s mercy? You mean Merci? Like French or something?” Leah said, whilst she and Lissa looked confused.

“No! God, don’t they do this in America? It means I give. Stop, I’ve given up and have admitted defeat, oh superior ones.” I joked. Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention this, they are American, with cute accents not horrible whiney bimbo ones. They also thought my accent was cute, but to me I sound normal, so don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. It was weird. This boot camp was in England, yet not that many people here are actually from England, well hardly anybody is from the people I’ve met. But then again, I haven’t met that many people yet, but I’m the only English one so far.

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