•Chapter eight•

Start from the beginning

"you still like pickles?" mads asked.

"i wanna see if i do." i said, then took a bite. "and nope." i said, handing the pickle to hayden.

they all laughed, as i made a sour face and drank apple juice. "just wait till you're pregnant again." riley commented.

"not for a few years." i laughed, then hayden came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

after everyone held her, i didn't want kali to be held too much, so i put her back in her crib. everyone ate, and talked. "annie, can i see your stomach?" kenzie asked. she just arrived with john and her kids. gabriella was munching down fries as hayden played with ezra, shaking rattles and making sure he was comfortable since he was only a few months old now.

i lifted up my shirt a bit, and she widened her eyes. "what?" i asked, pulling my shirt down.

"girl, you look amazing. after i gave birth, both times, it took me at least 3 months to go back to how i was." kenzie said, making me laugh. "i'm serious, you look great. just rest a bit and then you can work out, not that you need it."

"thanks, but come on, you look amazing." i commented, then indiana butted in.

"pregnancy talks, can't relate." indiana joked, making everyone laugh.

"mommy! i want ice cream!" gabriella told kenzie, making me smile.

"only today." kenzie told her. "annie do-"

"vanilla or double chocolate chip?" i asked, already at the freezer.

"vanilla please." kenzie laughed, then i took out he tun of vanilla and grabbed a small bowl. i scooped out one scoop, a bit big, which kenzie immediately gave me a head shake and widened eyes. "annie! that's so much!"

"it's fine. she's young." i said, then handed gabriella the bowl and a baby spoon.

"you don't have to put her to sleep later." kenzie said, then we laughed and johnny took gabriella and sat her on his lap at the counter.

she even took a spoonful of once cream and started to feed everyone. "yummy, give it to auntie riley." indiana said, wiping her mouth since gabriella missed her mouth a couple times.

"it's ok gabriella, don't need any."  riley said.

"oh no." johnny groaned, rolling his head back as gabriella prepared for a tantrum. you know when little toddlers are quiet, their faces looking like their screaming, then you just wait till they scream so loud and start crying. that's what was happening.

"oh, it's ok honey. here, i'll eat some." riley said, then gabriella calmed down and wiped her face, instantly smiling and fed riley. "dang, she knows our weaknesses." riley commented, then gabriella ate the rest of her ice cream.

we all laughed, then kali woke up. "i'll go get her." i said, then walked to kali's nursery. closing the door behind me, i picked her up and changed her on her changing table. i then sat on the rocking chair, and pulled up my shirt, and fed her.

hayden came in, closing the door behind him. "hey, how she doing?" he asked, bending down to see her.

"she's doing great." i responded, then looked up at him. "you should go back out there, we have guests." i told him.

"i will, but i gotta say hi to my daughter after she woke up." he said, making me smile, then giving me a kiss and then hissed her forehead, and walked out.

"i know you saw." i said, looking down at kali but telling our friends who were watching on the monitor. they all laughed, which i heard from here.

after i fed her, i burped her then swaddled her. i walked out, and brought her to the friends. johnny held her, which made gabriella jealous, so kenzie held her. i went to hold ezra, who seemed very tired.

"ezra seems pretty tired, you wanna put him to sleep in kali's crib?" i asked kenzie.

"yeah, thank you." kenzie said, then me and her went to kali's nursery.

"momma!" gabriella whined, as kenzie tried to put her down.

"stop it baby, mommy needs to put ezra to sleep. go with auntie annie and she'll give you juice." kenzie said, as i took gabriella's hand and handed ezra to kenzie.

me and gabriella walked out, closing the door and then i held her on my hip as we walked to the kitchen. everyone was there, so hayden helped me by pouring a bit of apple juice in a sippy cup, but watering it down with water mostly; by johnny's requests.

johnny and kenzie aren't super strict, but they aren't gonna give their kid ice cream whenever they ask. "momma!" gabriella called out, then we looked and saw kenzie walk out and close the door behind her.

gabriella ran to her mom, and then we all began to talk. everyone left by 7. kali was gonna wake up soon, but me and hayden took this time to make dinner and do laundry. hayden made dinner as i did the laundry, then after i was done i took he dried clothes and started to fold them in our room.

kali woke up as me and hayden ate our dinner, so i fed her as i continued eating. hayden made us macaroni with some pieces of steak and a side salad. hayden burped kali as i finished up my food since it was kinda hard to eat with her on me.

she soon fell asleep, so me and hayden went to our room, and put her in the bassinet beside our bed. me and hayden don't have a particular side, so we just put it on the side where it wasn't in front of the bathroom. i slept on that side, so i could feed her during the night.

me and hayden both went on our laptops, and started to work on emails, etc. yeah, pretty boring. but we didn't want kali to wake up and cry if we watched a movie. plus we didn't get to catch up on our emails and calls.

me and hayden were finished by 1 am, so we just cuddled till we went to sleep. well until kali woke us up just 2 hours later at 3 am. hayden woke up with me, so he helped me with changing her diaper and giving me my breastfeeding pillow. hayden burped her too, as i cleaned up myself. he placed her back down after.

"babe, can you grab me a water?" i asked, and he nodded, heading to the kitchen to get a water. i on the other hand stood up and headed to our closet and grabbed a crop top and shorts. i was very uncomfortable in my clothes i was wearing so i took off my shirt and put on my crop top, and then took off my leggings and put on my shorts.

i drank the water, then went into bed next to hayden, who was still awake. i climbed in, and hayden wrapped his arms around me, then we both fell asleep. only to be awake in a few hours.