20 It's You-Know-Who

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POV You-Know-Who

Miserable creatures, useless beings. They can’t even catch one single Spirit and destroy his innerself. For years I have been collecting the Spirits from different places, and for twice my plan to get them to be dementors that obey me has been undone. Before this it was a female winter Spirit that rather let the moon take her life than follow me. Now it was a young male winter Spirit. They think that they’re better than me.

“Come here my nightmares,” I raised my voice and black misty figures came to me. I grinned and petted them while chuckling. “Find your way in, make the Hogwarts a hellish bad dream in the reality. Create desperation and fear, then my dementors can feed  with their darkened souls,” I laughed and squeezed my hand into fist.

“Master,” I hear the low life called Drago calling me. “What now?” I said and glare at him when he squirms to in front of me. “Preparations are done, master,”  I smiled. “Move aside!” I yelled and walked past him, I threw my black cloak back as I walk.

I go and shout orders, tonight they shall attack to Hogwarts. All they need is to mention my name. Just once.

And we will be there.

POV Anna

Two days later after they saved Jack things are going better.  Even Hiccup has learnt to live with only one real leg and he actually says that he bonded more with Toothless since they both have battle wounds.

The thing that mostly annoys me is the fact that they made their relationship official without me. They say that it isn’t similar to wizard’s marriage but I don’t buy it. Besides she could have waited for couple years more.

Well, they will have to do the wizard marriage ceremony too. One day. Or I will force them into it, they are meant to be. Kristoff is mine and Punzie has Flynn. Hiccup is with Astrid and Merida? Well she is quite happy right now being single but I am sure that one day she will find her umm.. man.

“Anna,” Kristoff poked my stomach. “Uh, what?” I giggled and he smiled. “You were daydreaming again,” he laughed and pulled me into embrace. “Yeah,” I sighed.

“They’re already together,” Kristoff laughed harder and I blushed. “I know but I just want her to be--,” I started but Kristoff interrupted. “To be happy?” He sighed and I nodded a response. “Well, I want you to be happy so I know how you feel,” he said and closed his eyes.

Then my eyes widened, “OH, oh! I know!” I yelled happily and he startled. “You know what?” He chuckled and messed up my hair. “We should get married one day too!” I squealed and he stared at me. Soon his expression softened and he smiled while agreeing.

 I jump to his neck and hug him tightly and he responses to my hug. Then I realize that it is getting dark outside and we decide to leave back to our houses. He kisses me goodnight as we get separated in front of the dining hall door.

I was stretching my arms and yawning, it was really exhausting day. We had exams in magical plants. There we had to take care of a special plant that cries like a baby, well, like baby with colic. Really bad colic. My ears are still ringing.

There were some steps hearing in the corridor and I slow my walking. I am having a bad feeling for some reason. I glance behind of a corner and I see our janitor, Gaston sneaking around. It seems really suspicious and I decide to follow him.

As he reaches a wall I see him taking out a mirror and admiring his face, he had awfully strong looking chin, hideous eyes and greasy looking long black hair. His muscles disgusted me but not as much as his personality does. He is full of himself. And he is dragon feces.

Suddenly he disappeared inside the wall and I gasped. How did he do that! Quickly I run to the wall and touch on it. It is solid and done from bricks, I groan to myself. How did I let him escape from my reach like that? I need to find him!


I startled when the wall opened suddenly. My heart started to beat faster and all the tiredness vanished from me. This I had to do alone, there is no time to get others.

The place where I followed Gaston was dark until he lit up the torches that were lined up in the wall. The shadows were creepy looking but not beating his creepiness.

The wall felt damp and cold when I leaned tightly against it. I cannot let him see me, I am sensing trouble.

“PITCH!” Gaston yells and I narrow my eyebrows when I glance quickly towards him. I have to slam my hand over my mouth to cover my muffled scream. I see how there is a portal appearing. I am in deep shock when people dressed in black walk inside.

“Master,” Gaston bows to a man who steps inside from the portal. The man causes me shivers, his eyes are amber colored, his skin is grayish and he is wearing a black cloak. His facial structures are pointy and his black hair is sticking up.

Those must be You-know-who’s followers. I am panting and I hide in the shadows when evil looking wizard’s and witches march inside. I am biting my lower lip painfully. How can I warn people when I am stuck in here?

Think Anna, think. Oh my Merlin.

POV Punzie

After my date with Flynn we went to our houses. He has actually proven to be a sweet person even though he was a bully. And a troublemaker. Sweet nonetheless.

I greet to Kristoff who arrives to Hufflepuff's house. "How was your date?" Kristoff grinns as he jumps to couch. I put my study books down and I sat next to him, "It was great! Refreshing after uh.." I sighed and Kristoff furrowed his eyebrows.

"You girls have been acting weird for couple days. You could share your worries with me and Flynn. We have been worried," Kristoff sighed. I nodded, "Well.. just some things happened."

Kristoff rolled his yes, "Even Anna is hiding something!" I chuckled , "So that annoys you?" Kristoff nodded while he pouted. I gave him a friendly push to shoulder. We have been friends in Hogwarts since the first day.

"Well, you know that Jack is a real Spirit?" I sighed. "Yeah, he showed himself in potion class where Morgana got a mental breakdown and went to sick leave," Kristoff nodded.

I shook my head, "No. Morgana works for You-know-who. They captured Jack and we got him out. Hiccup, the magical creatures teacher, got badly hurt and his dragon. Now we're going to stand up against You-know-who and his followers," I said.

Kristoff gulped, "Whoa. So much stuff going on." I nodded and he rubbed his neck. "Oh well, we will help you guys out. If it is alright? You're dear to us anyway." Kristoff smiled and hugged me. "Thanks," I said to him and he patted my back. "No problem," he whispered.

We wished good night and left to our dorms in the house. There are different parts in the house for girls and boys. Only the social spaces are the same for both.

I changed my outfit to night gown with one swing of my narrow wooden wand. I used the bathroom to wash my teeth and to comb my hair before going to bed. I used my wand to turn off the lights, my room mates were already sleeping.

Then I thought that I heard something. I start to sit and listen but everything stays silent. "I am imagining thinks,"I chuckled nervously and lay back down. Then I closed my eyes and dreams were flowing to me.


Sorry for the update taking so long to make! I have lots of study stuff to do but starting from 1st of November I can be more active writer.

I love you, My Magical Snow Storm!

And I am doing better *hugs you all*

Veil of Mist ( Hogwarts AU with Big 5 / Jelsa )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora