3 Forbidden Forest

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POV Jack

After a cooling shower I went to sleep in the room that I shared with other people from the slytherin. My back was aching from the lightning strike, even though it healed fast I felt the burning sensation beneath my skin. Why did she have to interrupt, I would be just fine now.

I layed on the bed and when I turned on it the pain was like someone would have kept open fire beneath me. My breathing was shallow and I clenched my fists. I sat on my bed’s edge and I take a jar from my night table. It is ‘Ointment for every situation, cures every ache in body’, or at least that is what the label says.

“Ouch,” I whisper when I spread the ointment on my back. Suddenly a cooling sensation spreads across my back and the pain stops. It worked like a charm! Yes! Finally time for nap. Tomorrow will be some tests in Quidditch, testing if people are still fit to fly with their brooms in the games where you try to catch some tiny winged ball. Then someone tries to throw you from your broom with two big balls and some people are throwing another ball to each other, trying to gain points. So much fun!

My eyes shut close and dreams fill my mind.


Don’t come out.

No matter what, stay hidden.”

Light escapes from sight when a secret door closes, a boy is whimpering inside in the darkness.

“Expelliarmus!” A man yells. Evil laughter echoes in the other room, “Spells like that will get you killed.”

Wooden stool fells to ground and plates shatter on the floor when the man runs other side of the dinner table.

The evil laughing man causes the boy to shiver. When he believed that nothing could be worse the evil man spoke again with words like poison, “Try this kind of spell instead. AVADA KEDAVRA!”

Flash of green light lit the room. It was the death spell. The man who hid the boy fells to ground with blank eyes, boy stares at the dead figure from a gap between the secret door and the door way. While shivering he covers his ears. He sways himself to sleep, staying hidden like he was told to do.

Reality hits me when I gasp for air. The nightmare haunts me almost every night. I bury my head on my hands. Cold sweat is covering my body and I am panting. Weak. You’re weak Jack.

Even naps seem to be too much, I can’t sleep without nightmares. I am tired but sleeping seems like the worst option if I want to actually rest. I look at the clock, I have slept for one hour. Not much but better than last night.

I rose up and dressed myself to my blue hoodie and on top of that I threw my black cape. Fresh air will clear my head like it always has. It is evening already when I walk downstairs. No one speaks to me and I prefer that way. No one in my way.

I walk across the school grounds and I sneak into the forbidden forest. I am walking towards my secret place. Place where I can be at peace. I turn around when I heard a branch breaking. I see no one.

POV Elsa

“Look Anna!” I told to my sister when we walked on the corridors. She looks towards the direction where I pointed. “Look at what exactly?” She exhaled. “Him! He is sneaking around! I bet that he is going to report to you-know-who’s minions. I mean why he didn’t get injured! They must have held back when the lightning hit him!” I shook Anna from her shoulders. “You really would love to spy on him, huh?” She grinned to me and I nodded while my eyes carefully watched Jack’s movements.

Veil of Mist ( Hogwarts AU with Big 5 / Jelsa )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora