19 The Vow

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POV Merida

Elsa has been acting crazy for couple of days, she has been going through the library and trying to figure out a plan. She is desperate to get Jack back to her and she doesn’t even sleep that much.

“Elsa?” Anna spoke to Elsa who was behind of book pile. She was searching through parchments right now. I sat on a chair and stared at the two sisters. “Hey! Elsa!” Anna raised her voice and waved her hand in front of Elsa. Elsa blinked her eyes and lifted her gaze, “Did you say something?” Elsa’s voice was tired and her pale skin showed easily the round black circles around her eyes.

Anna sighed, “Listen, we are here for you. Me, Hiccup, Punzie and Merida. We will get Jack back. Anna smiled and Elsa’s expression was blank. ”Really Elsa, we will help you and him. We just need to find him--,” Anna said and then Elsa stood up so fast that the chair which she sat on fell down.

“I DON’T KNOW WHERE HE IS!” Elsa cried out loud. “J-just let me work, I will find him,” Elsa lifted the chair and sit on it again. She pulled out one parchment and ten more were rolling to floor. Anna glanced at me worried, Elsa was skipping classes and being obsessed.

Me and Anna left the library and headed towards the outside of the school. “She will be in no condition to fight if she continues like that,” I sighed to Anna who nodded sadly. We would meet Hiccup and Punzie soon and have a crisis meeting over Elsa.

Punzie and Hiccup were already on Hiccup’s cabin. “So she hasn’t found any way to help him? Or where he is?” Hiccup said while giving everyone a cup of hot tea. “No, no she hasn’t,” Anna whispered and played with the cup in her hands.

“She refuses to sleep and skips classes still?” Hiccup sighed and we all nodded. Hiccup rubbed his chin, “Can any of you make a potion for relaxation? She would need that, it seems that she has been tense lately.” Hiccup looked at us and then we all started to stare at Punzie.

Punzie shrugged, “I guess that I can do it. Just do you have the ingredients?” Hiccup smirked and walked to a cabinet, “Here. I bought it on my last visit to Hogsmeade but I can’t do it. It needs a few enchantments and well, I can’t do that.” Hiccup laughed and rubbed his neck.

We all run to hug him. ”That is great!” We all yelled and then Punzie started doing the potion. She made it look so easy but she is one year older than us. “So.. which one of us should made her drink that?” Punzie stares at us.

Then they all were staring at me, “WHOA! Me?” I exhaled. ”Yes! You’re Anna’s friend so you’re not so obvious to trick her.. like me, Anna or Hiccup would be,” Punzie giggled. I groaned and rolled my eyes, ”Fine give me that.” I took the potion and then I took a glass from Hiccup’s cabinet.

Quickly I headed to school and to library, it was easy to find her actually. We had a plan that the other’s would follow me little later. Elsa was still reading at the library and I poured the potion to that glass.

“Hi, Elsa,” I tried to sound cheerful but she ignored me. I cleared my throat and she quickly glanced at me. “Hi Merida,” she whispered and looked down to the book again. I sighed and placed the glass on top of the book. “I thought that you might need some energy, here is a drink,” I smiled to her.

For a moment I thought that she wouldn’t drink it but then she touched my arm. “Thank you,” she whispered and drank the potion. Then her eyes widened from shock and she stared at me. “W-what did you do to me?” She exhaled and stood up.

I used my levitation special ability before she fell to ground. I petted her head, “It is just relaxation potion. You need to have a break.” I smiled to Elsa who seemed unsatisfied but she couldn’t speak. I took her to Hiccup’s cabin with the other’s. Some of us worked as a decoy so we could do our actions in a secret, people would have questions if they would see Elsa floating in the corridors without ability to move.

Veil of Mist ( Hogwarts AU with Big 5 / Jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now