17 Stand Up Against the Enemy

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POV Elsa

The defense against dark arts class has already started. I see how Ariel fights against Eric, I am just sitting here alone and leaning to my hand. “Where is your mate?” Teacher Bunnymund stands in front of me and I sigh, “I don’t know?”

Bunnymund rolls his eyes, that Jack again. He leans closer to me, “Walk to corridor and take right. Go down the steps and on the tenth step knock the wall on your left. There is the route to Slytherin’s house.” I stare at Bunnymund. Why would the responsible teacher of Slytherin tell me that information? “I have class to give and you’re responsible witch. Off you go!”

I groaned when I started to walk on the corridor. I took right and saw a staircase leading down, it figures that Slytherin would have their house in damp dungeons. Step by step I went down.

The tenth step. I inhaled deeply when I knocked the wall, dust was now floating in air when the wall was moving. Inside were torches that lit on fire when I stepped inside. On the other end of long corridor was a painting. Uh, but Bunnymund didn’t tell me the password? Well, maybe the person in the painting can tell Jack that I am waiting for him.

The paintings are alive in Hogwarts, the persons illustrated in them were once alive. Now the image of them can move and interact with you through the painting. There are some paintings that guard the entrance of Hogwarts houses. Sometimes there are riddles like Ravenclaw has and Anna told me that Gryffindor has a password. It might be either option of these two with Slytherin or something much different?

I inhale deeply when I approach the painting and just when I am about to speak with the angry looking lady the portrait slams open and I feel myself flying down to ground. Some books fly next to me and I feel how someone’s arm is beneath my back, not letting my body to hit the ground fully. “Elsa?” I hear a surprised voice and I open my eyes, warm hazelnut brown eyes are looking at mine and I see how Jack is there, his other knee is taking support from ground as well as his other hand.

“How did you end up in here?” Jack whispers and looks confused while he helps me to sit on the floor. My cheeks blush and I glance at him, “Well.. I was waiting my partner in class, you, to defense against dark arts but you didn’t come. Bunnymund sent me to get you--.” Jack interrupted me by his groaning, “He is the worst teacher ever. House’s location should be a secret for members of other houses.”

Then Jack looks at me again, his lips slightly apart. “Umm.. since you’re already here,” he chuckles and rubs his neck. “Yeah?” I smile and he nods towards the portrait. ”Wan’t to see how house of Slythering looks like?” He blushed and I gulped. “S-sure,” I whispered and went inside with him. He did a spell to mute the portrait’s woman who was nagging about letting Ravenclaw member inside.

The living room had a fireplace lit, the wood was cracking in the strong heat. The house didn’t feel damp or cold at all, it was actually comfortable. Everything was in the colors of emerald green and silver which are the house’s colors. Jack is smirking to me when I am examining the room.

“Bunnymund can wait.. I think,” I whispered when I went to pet someone’s owl which was sitting on a branch. I feel sudden cold wave behind of me and I feel arms going around my waist. “Want to see the corner where I sleep?” Jack whispers and kisses my neck. My heart is beating so fast that it is almost hurting.

“J-Jack,” I gasped when he entwined our fingers together and was guiding me towards a door. There were steps going down. “C’mon?” Jack smiled to me and I gulped. His touch was making me feel warm and numb at the same time. When we reached the downstairs Jack walked few steps forward until we were at strongly built metal door. “My chamber,” Jack smirked and pushed the door open.

Veil of Mist ( Hogwarts AU with Big 5 / Jelsa )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt