6 Conceal the Monster

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POV Jack

I groan, “Where is the courier!” I am laying on Hiccups couch. He laughs nervously, “I think that it will arrive soon. I hope.” It was already evening and I am really getting bored to stare the ceiling in his cabin. Then I hear a knock at the door. I float in the air and then I fly forward. I slam the door open.

I see a broom floating in the air and I see the sign ‘Couriers of Flying Fairies’ on its side. Finally my package has arrived. I look down and I see a purple haired and eyed girl smiling to me. “Long time no see Baby Tooth,” I mess her hair and I chuckle. “Jack! Stop it!” She laughs and her voice is as high as before.

She is Toothianas, our teachers, niece. I have known her forever or at least it feels like it. She is older than me but like a midget. “Where have you been? I have been having some issues?” I pinch some of my white hair and I show it to her. She gasps, “I am sorry Jack but I was a bit occupied. They were tracking me for weeks and I had to be sure that I am not followed anymore,” Baby Tooth’s cheeks blushed deeply and she seemed to be sorry.

“No worries, I just missed a day at school,” I chuckled and added in my mind the fact that my cover was exposed. Suddenly Baby Tooth points behind of me, “He sees us.” She whispers and I glance over my shoulder. Hiccup is standing there, staring at us and seems speechless.

I clear my throat, “Since my potion was missing I kind of accidentally showed who I am to this fellow hre and to a girl.” I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes. Baby Tooth giggles nervously and hands me my package.

The potion was in purple glimmering bottle. I took a sip quickly and soon I was on my knees. I never have gotten used to it, how it seems to take away the strength of my body. I mean it conceals some of my powers so I am not that much powerful as a half spirit with wind and ice. The pain I feel when I transform from my half spirit to human. Normally I keep the transformation going on with the potion that I take a sip every evening. Then it won’t hurt, it is more like a tickling sensation.

I am panting when I stand again. A glance towards the mirror and I see myself again with brown eyes and hair, even my skin changed from pale to fair. The sight makes me exhale deeply, I really hate denying myself. “So.. I need to get going,” Baby Tooth laughs and waves her hand at the door. Without turning around I wave a response to her.

After the door closed Hiccup runs to me. “Whoa! She was Tooth’s relative? And and that potion! How do you get that sort of potion! I think that it is forbidden to have transformation potions?” Hiccup is yelling in excitement beside of me. I sigh, “Yea she is Tooth’s niece. I have a person who does the potion to me, it is much safer to use it than be worried about it being forbidden.”

Hiccup stares at me when I stood up. “I will get going now,” I whisper before I step outside to the cool autumn air. I lift my capes collar up and I walk back at the school, making my way to my bed chambers. I go to a shower and soon I realize the scar that was left from the flames hitting my back. I touch the surface of the scar and it still hurts a little. Magical attacks always take longer to heal, I thought to myself.

Next morning I went to potion class. My seat next to Elsa Vinter is empty. Time to have some fun. Elsa is leaning on the chairs back support and turned her back to front area where the teaching happens. She is chatting with her friend Ariel.

I notice how Ariel ends her speech and stares at me when I walk towards them, it makes me smirk. When I reach Elsa I place my hand on her shoulder, it feels delicate actually. “You’re on my way,” I say to her and I nod towards my seat that is against the wall, next to Elsa. Her face turns red and she stares at me. She starts to breath in a shallow way and I take my hand away. Tears are forming on her eyes. “Elsa?” Ariel asks just before Elsa stood up and pushed me aside, starting to run in the corridor.

Veil of Mist ( Hogwarts AU with Big 5 / Jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now