12 Christmas for Friends

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POV Merida

I am looking at Anna’s and Elsa’s home. It is a huge mansion, their parents were rich wizard couple back then and they inherited it all. I levitate my bags towards their door after I stepped out from flying magical bus.

“MERIDA!” Anna screams at the door and runs to hug me. “Anna, calm down!” I smile to her. “But I am so happy that you came to spent Christmas at our home!” Anna is holding my hands and smiling then she furrowed her eyebrows. “How did your family take it? About you spending Christmas here?” Anna seemed concerned and I chuckled.

“Mum was freaking out, brothers were yelling from joy and dad took it ok. Somehow dad over talked mum to let me go,” I shrug my shoulders and I walk in. “Hey Punzie!” I wave my hand to Punzie who is decorating Christmas tree in the living room with Elsa. Some glass balls are floating in the air while Elsa levitates them to hang on branches.

Elsa laughs, “Nice to see everyone in here!” I am glancing at Anna. “Where is that guy?” I whispered and Anna shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know,” she whispered, “they were supposed to explain it now!” Anna sounded anxious which I felt. It would have been great to spend Christmas between us girls without guys interfering but the case of Jack was interesting.


A cold wind blow the door open. Some glass balls shattered on the floor when Elsa’s attention was now at the door. A guy stepped inside. “Why is he wearing the mask from the Halloween party?” I glare at Jack Frost. His hair is white and he has blue eyes. “JACK! We were supposed to explain and not you bursting inside with your.. your..” Elsa struggled in her words. “My pure awesomeness?” Jack laughed and walked inside.

Punzie raised her hand and was about to speak when Elsa snapped at her. “We will explain AFTER dinner,” Elsa sounded annoyed and she walked to Jack. She grabbed his blue hoodie and pulled him further inside. “Where is your luggage?” Elsa said coldly. Jack gasped, “Whoa! This is a sleepover?”

Elsa rolled her eyes, “Yes genius. “ Jack gulped and looked at us. “S-sure.. but don’t touch my hair! I don’t want any girly pins.. that is what girls do at pyjama parties?” Jack smirked and Elsa slapped his chest. Jack chuckled while he walked after her.

My seat was next to Anna’s. Across the table sat Punzie and next to her Elsa. Jack moved his plate to other end of the table and ate alone. “He is weird,” I whispered to Anna who shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah.. I mean.. we are having fun in here and he is eating alone,” Anna whispered back.

After dinner we went back to living room. The fire was making the wood crack in the fire place and we sat on floor in silence. Jack started yawning and he rubbed his eyes after it. “The explanation?” Anna smiled to Jack and Elsa who glanced each other.

Then I had an idea. “Truth or dare!” I yelled aloud and Elsa’s eyes widened, Jack gritted his teeth. “Yes! That is a cool way to spent time,” Punzie nodded. “You  guys get only truth,” I smirked to Jack and Elsa who sighed in unison.

“Who are you Jack?” Punzie started. Jack rubbed his neck. “Jack Frost,” Jack chuckled and I groaned while rolling my eyes. “We know that,” Anna smiled. “But .. there must be more?” Anna said carefully.

“Tell them,” Elsa said in ordering tone and Jack bit his lower lip. “W-well.. I am a half Spirit. A Winter Spirit to be exact,” Jack said and cleared his throat. “NO WAY!” Punzie yelled cheerfully and touched Jack’s hair which she lifted up slightly. Then I saw Anna jumping on top of Jack who grunted when he fell to his back. Anna opened Jack’s eyes. “YEAH! No contact lenses or magic in these eyes!” Anna giggled while Elsa pulled her off. “Anna!” Elsa growled.

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