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Shehwar stirred awake and blinked several times. The last she remembered, her room wasn't this big and there were no blinds on the large window - no glass wall was the suitable word, for the whole wall was glass giving a spectacular view of the sky, the highway, the many homes in between and the far away skyscrapers.

She suddenly remembered the change. She remembered her wedding. The Nikah, the small reception as the Walima and the Rukhsati, all in one function the night before.

She was married. To Ozhan.

She shuddered mumbling Astaghfar under her breath at the thought when she suddenly realised that the thought was all Halal for they were married now.

She groaned and sighed along rubbing her face vigorously before letting her arms fall by her sides as she lay star-fish style on the king sized bed.

Then mumbling the Dua she stretched her limbs and got up.

The thought of Ozhan in the same house and just outside the door made her feel on edge and cautious for some unknown reason. They had been living in the same house all their lives but this situation was different. Now only they shared a house and not with their families.

That was the thought that made her contemplate whether she should exit the room, with her hand hovering over the handle.

She sighed murmuring Bismillah under her breath and opened the door.

When she threw a quick glance down the hallway on her right, she found a small led bulb at the top of the stairs dimly lighting the hallway.

She tiptoed her way down and found herself standing by the front door on her right and another hallway which lead to the store and the laundry room on her left. Sunrays streaked in through the big window in the hallway.

She was about to go in there when she heard some voices and smell of something burning. With hasty steps, Shehwar passed the drawing room and the living room which had no partition in between and straight to attached kitchen which opened in the backyard of the house.

Nothing seemed out of normal. Everything was still and perfect, at it's place except for a messy haired Ozhan. He had on a stained apron and some mixture on his chin as his tongue poked out of his lips for he was giving all his attention to the task at hand: setting a plate with burnt toasts and burnt omelette by some large bowl of fruits cut neatly with two steaming mugs of coffee.

Shehwar stared at him for a good moment trying to stomach in the sight and the fact that he had made a lame attempt at cooking with his reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

She cleared her throat to gain his attention and she was successful.

'What's this?' she gestured towards the wooden table which was ladened with breakfast - burnt breakfast.

'Oh hey, Salam, I see you are up. Well I made breakfast for us but it's kinda burnt. I'm sorry it was my first try- though the coffee is great I assure you. I'm good at it.' he was cleaning his hands with a paper towel while he rambled, they both knew. Why was he rambling, though, that they did not know.

'You did not go to work?'

'It's weekend besides I took some days off for...' he scratched the back of his neck trailing off before he gestured between them both.

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