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Chapter X

Shehwar reached for the door handle then for the umpteenth time retracted it back to her chest. She sighed then leaned her forehead on the wooden door of her bed room. She didn't want to go out and face anyone. She couldn't face her younger sister, for somehow she felt she was the reason of her sister's engagement breaking off. Who was she kidding? She was the reason. Ozhan made it clear last night.

She felt guilty.

She couldn't face her sister. But most of all she couldn't face him. She didn't want to. Because ALLAH knows what she would do if he came in front of her.

But she also just couldn't lock herself in there forever. She had to face the day ahead. She head work to reach to.

Inhaling another sigh she stood straight and squared her shoulders before opening the door and heading out. It was seven thirty when she checked her watch strapped on her left wrist as she reached the last step. She had an hour and a half to reach her work.

Heart in throat, she turned towards the kitchen and exhaled heavily when she didn't find him in there. Good.

She hoisted her bag on her shoulder and went inside further. She saw her aunt and step mother running around the kitchen and serving breakfast to everyone as they came inside taking there time getting ready for the places they had to be. She even found Mehar sitting on the table having her breakfast. She didn't know why she was surprised, last night Mehar did say that she would go back to her university today.

'H-hey,' she smiled feeling her heart squeezing when her younger sister smiled back and motioned for her to take a seat beside her.

Shehwar said Salam aloud and walked forward. Just as she sat down, her aunt placed a plate full of pancakes in front of her. 'Thanks Aunty,' she smiled looking up at her who patted her head and went back to her task.

Her father and uncle excused themselves just then and went away to start their daily routine.

'Apiya, I never got to ask you.'


'How is your work going? And God! I haven't even seen the building!' she exclaimed at the end slapping her forehead.

'It's great,' Shehwar replied, 'and don't worry when you have a free slot or a day off you can always ring me. I'll pick you up if I can and show you around. I'll make sure to ask my boss beforehand. He's a great person, he won't mind.'

'Really? That's great! Oh, by the way, did you make any friends?' if Mehar was avoiding the elephant and not giving Shehwar a chance to ask about herself, then she won't. She smiled at her sister and prayed for her in her heart.

Shehwar laughed and nodded her head. 'Yeah, if them involving in my work and giving me suggestions counts being friends, then yes I made one.'

Mehar pouted. 'Just one?'

Her aunt and mother were at the stove talking among themselves and completely ignoring the two.

'You know I'm socially awkward. I can't make friends easily. I've only had Zareen and Nadir from back home and Ozhan and you-' her voice faltered when she saw Mehar's face falling. Shehwar wanted to slap herself around when she saw Mehar trying to pull back her lips in her usual cheery smile, ' ...here.'

'Don't worry you are awesome and soon they'll be dying to befriend my sista.' Mehar said winking before she gulped down her milk and stood up. She kissed her on the cheek then went over to the two ladies to give them both a hug and a kiss.

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