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'Attach them with these and you're all done.'

She looked up to see one of her co-workers and rose her eyebrows.

'You looked like you needed help.' he shrugged gesturing towards the papers in her hands.

She glanced back at the papers and a tired sigh escaped her lips.
'Sorry, I am a mess right now. I wasn't able to sleep much last night, I had a lot of work to finish.'

'That's alright, it happens.' he smiled which she returned with her tired one.

'You are the accountants new hired secretary right? Dur-e-Shehwar?'

'Yeah, but I usually go by Shehwar. Dur-e-Shehwar is a mouthful.'

He smiled and turned to the photocopying machine. Gathering his files and some copied papers he said. 'I'll leave you to work now. But I suggest you take a day off, you know too much stress isn't good for your health.'

'Thanks by the way...?' She trailed off as she didn't know what his name was.

'Wajdan Durani. And no problem I like to help.'


She leaned back in her chair as she watched the man sitting across from her fidget in his seat.

She rose her eyebrows and pursed her lips. 'Admit it.'

'Alright,' he raised his hands in the air then let them fall on the wooden table in between them making a loud bang like sound. 'You got me. Your assumptions are correct.' he grumbled.

She let a smile make it's way on her lips and leaned forward with that silly grin on her face. 'Now was it hard?'

'Was it hard?' Nadir mimicked Shehwar in a high-pitched voice causing her to laugh aloud.

It was around noon and Shehwar had her lunch break when she remembered the slip up of Nadir from previous night. She had then rang him up demanding to tell her. After an hour of fight she had made him come to the coffee shop which was just across the road from her work.

'When were you going to tell me?'

'Never,' he shrugged as his jaw ticked. He loved Zareen, no doubt; but he wanted to keep it a secret though his nosey little friend was clever than he thought. She had, after all caught him. She somehow connected the dots and realized it was Nadir who was texting Zareen, it was Nadir who was so in love with her from as long as he remembered. And he was in Pakistan not in Italy as he claimed.

'You have to promise though, you won't tell her.'

'You can count on me.' she gave him a smile.

'Is you a calculator?'


'Forget it.' Nadir waved his hand away. 'How long 'till she comes here?' 

She pulled out her phone from her purse and texted Zareen. Where are you?

I'll be there any minute now.

She nodded her head. Nadir upon seeing her reaction leaned forward on his elbows. 'Well?'

'Someone is eager.' she gave him a cheeky grin which he returned with a scowl and tried to snatch her phone from her hand to read Zareen's reply.

'Hey!' she glared at him and put her phone back in her purse.

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