Kaycee thought she was hallucinating from the  near hypothermia she was so sure she was experiencing. Why would Sean Lew spontaneously decide to switch seats and why next to her?

The rest of the students were just as confused as she was but they all shrugged it off and turned back to the powerpoint being displayed on the large screen.

"Psst," Sean whispered, poking the girl with his pen.

Kaycee turned to face him a gentle smile on her lips, one brow raised in question, still very confused as to what was going on with him.

"Hi, I know this is our first time talking even though we've been in this class for almost three months now, but I've always noticed you shivering back here and I checked the forecast this morning and it said it was colder than usual, so I thought I'd bring you these," he rambled gesturing to a cup of hot cocoa and a warm breakfast sandwich that she was just noticing in one of his hands, along with a fluffy throw blanket that she watched him pull out of his backpack occupying his other.

Smiling at her brightly, a few strands of hair messily sticking out from his olive green beanie and covering his eyes, Sean stretched the hot food and fuzzy blanket out to the girl right beside him.

"Take these please. Oh, and I'm Sean by the way. Probably should've started with that my bad," he said with a wider smile as the girl took the gifts with gratitude.

"Hi Sean, I'm Kaycee," she smiled extending her hand out for him to shake. "You really shouldn't have gotten me these— I mean, I'm grateful for the gesture, really, but we barely know each other. I mean sure I could've survived a few more days of the cold."

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should have to. Plus this was just a simple deed, no need to feel bad about it. Trust me, I wanted to do this," the boy said smiling sweetly at the girl who was now happily warm and cozied up in her seat.

"Well then, thank you for the blanket and especially for the food, me and my empty stomach really appreciate it," she said unwrapping the food. Sean watched with a smile as the adorable girl he'd been crushing on since the semester started began to happily munch on the food as he ate a sandwich of his own.

Kaycee couldn't help but repeatedly verbalize her gratitude as Sean waved it off as no big deal. This caused the pair to begin whispering back and forth during the rest of the period. Getting to know each other beyond the little qualities and habits they were able to pick up from afar throughout the semester, this conversation helping to pass the remaining time they had left of class.

They hit it off. They'd grown as friends within just that one hour, making this a new routine for their Music in Film lecture.

Both parties would take turns bringing breakfast as long as Sean continued to bring the blanket that Kaycee now held near and dear in her heart.

Their dynamic shifted rapidly in a matter of days.

Kaycee heard all about how Sean's professor for his piano masterclass tried arguing with him over the composition of his final song, Sean won of course. And Sean learned the hard way that Kaycee was not a fan of coffee and that changing her normal order of hot cocoa was a bad idea.

The two were growing closer and closer. Going from strangers to friends to good friends, and by finals week, they were edging the line between friends and something more.

Feelings were felt by both students as they learned more and more about the other. Neither of the two were aware of the other's feelings, making it even scarier to try to admit these feelings.

Kaycee decided to it was time to take matters into her own hands.

Sean took the first big step, so it was only fair that it was now her turn to take their progressing relationship and leap with it.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Sean had to take his final for their shared class on a different day as the rest of the class.

He was upset because it meant that he'd have one less day of Kaycee's presence before everyone began heading home for winter break. By the time he would take this final, Kaycee would've already been on the road, heading back to her childhood home.

So one could only imagine the shock that spread across his face when he saw the girl standing outside of the auditorium, waiting for him to finish the exam.

"Kayc, what are you still doing on campus? I thought your last exam was yesterday morning?"

"It was, but I knew I'd hate myself during winter break if I left without doing this."

The boy watched, face ridden with confusion as the girl stepped forward. Taking his face into her hands, she leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed the boy who'd been occupying her mind for nearly a month now.

They both smiled into the kiss, happy to learn that their feelings were mutual. 

Well, who would've thought that all this would sprout from an infatuated boy's kind heart and his equally great blanket.
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