Chapter 52: JYP Said What?!

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After a while, Reina calms down in Felix's arms. She sniffles endlessly as she reverts back to not crying a river in her boyfriend's arms.

He lifts her face up to his level of sight and sighed. Placing his hands amongst her cheeks as his thumbs wiped her tears dry. His heart slightly sank at the thought of his girlfriend crying, over something that was his fault.

(my writing classes🤣)

He looked her in the eyes, his orbs wavering slightly as he tried not to cry. He looked at his beautiful girlfriend for a minute. Exactly so, just staring at her features and the way her emerald eyes switched to sea green, in indication that she was extremely sad.

He leaned down and kissed the tip of her button nose. Then kissed it again, and again, and again. And placed chaste kisses, switching between the nose and her cheeks, until she giggled as a result of his actions.

And then he took a look at her again, the glint back in her eyes as she stared at him lovingly, trying her hardest to stay strong in front of the one she loves. And then he leaned forward, once again, and pecked her lips softly.

And again, and again, and again. Chaste kisses on her lips as he transferred his love in the simplest way, and luckily it was working. He sighed when he opened his eyes, her gorgeous, and now, emerald orbs looking into his expectantly, as if he had grabbed her attention.

"I'm sorry."

They both said, before looking back into the other's eyes.

"I should've listened to you. I should've just admitted that you were right. But at the same time, I didn't wanna feel wrong, and I said some things, that I truly never meant, and they hurt you. I told myself that I shouldn't hurt you, and I have and I am so sorry that I did, because you aren't worth the feeling of hurt. You aren't worth the feeling of pain. Or more like, those feelings aren't worthy of you. I made you cry, and I honestly wish that I had a time machine, to turn back time and change my words before they left my mouth, I'm so sorry baby."

(ugh that baby made me cringe #foreveralone)

Felix sputtered out, wanting her to know that it was never his intention to her, and if he had the choice to do it all over again, then he would've.

"I'm sorry for driving you to the point where you had to say it. I never meant to make you angry with my words Felix, and if I did, I am so sorry for that. But what I said back there was true. No matter who it was, or what they were doing, if something feels off, I'm going to act upon that feeling, and you're gonna have to accept that if you're gonna accept me."

Felix went to say another thing more, but was stopped when his phone started ringing off like it was glitching or some shit.

(aaaaaaaaaaaaand crackhead me has arrived)

He groaned in frustration, as the notifications didn't seem to end, and he wanted to throw his phone at the moment.

"Are you gonna check your phone, or does Changbin saying "I lub dakeu" amuse you in this situation?"

Felix laughed, slightly embarrassed as he took out his phone, only to see that the groupchat for his group members were going wild.

sTrAy kEEdS


oh, felix yo ass
in trouble.

(tell me why trouble started playing in my mind bruh)


itch, what did
he do?


felix, jyp called
for you like
five minutes ago
and you haven't
ran into his
office like a
sweaty dog as yet.


first of all, why is
my name this?

secondly, if rei
is with you, tell
her she got called


itch, my username
trash too, jisung
hyung! 😔✊🏽


lmao, didn't y'all
chose y'all own
usernames tho?


i changed mines like
five times last week

seungminINGHEBUILDING has changed his username into Day61stWinHoes

Foxxie has changed his username into GM2.0

J.OneTwoThreeFortnite has changed his username into #Minsungconfirmed


more like minsung



MasterChan has changed lmh99's username into StopDenyingIt

StopDenyingIt has changed his username into I♡My3Cats

#GayRights has changed I♡My3Cats' username into SaltyBitch


Hyunjin if you


anyways, Felix.
you needa go to
JYP's head office
like now. deadass.
if you find Rei along
the way (ayyyy
bouta make
another album)
thenplease tell
her to report
there as well.

now everyone
stop changing the
usernames and

"I hate my group, honestly."

Felix muttered under his breath as Reina snatched the phone away from him and read the messages herself, boisterously laughing at the way they acted.

"Oh, Mr. Park texted you."

Reina piped up suddenly, clicking into the text and looking at it, eyes widening slightly before gasping.

"What? What is it?"

Felix asked, now getting nervous.

"He said if both you and I don't get inside his office in 5 minutes, then he's gonna release the news that we're dating."

"He WHAT?!"

it's been like, what? 2 weeks? Royalties, I'm so sorry. 🥺

Work has been so hectic. From writing out scripts and working with the actors was just so time consuming, but it was also so much fun cause I got to see my play acted out on an actual stage, you know?

i would like to have that experience again, but that shit took too much of my personal writing time due to so much assignments, and I'm sorry for that. I'll try my hardest for the rest of the summer to give you guys content for this book.

but anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. my last day at work is Friday, so imma see if I can get in a draft or two by Saturday afternoon the earliest. 


anyways, enjoy your day/evening/night.

Lots of Love,
~Reina (레이나)

||Word Count: 855 words||

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