Chapter 40: Producing

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Felix had an extra pep in his step as he walked towards the recording studio with his laptop, Alesis VI49 midi keyboard, his dark blue beats headphones, and his notebook.

It was the first time, that Kim completely trusted Felix to work on a track for him.

Producer Kim had to go back to Daegu after the passing of his great grandmother, and since the producer line was working on Stray Kids' new mini album, and Reina still had to finish helping Soojin with the choreography, he entrusted Felix to finish a track or two for him.

Producer Kim would always ask Felix on his personal input, and taste, especially when making intense, or complicated tracks.

Felix had an ear for making, listening, editing, and correcting those tracks more than other tracks with a simple meaning or direction.

And although he wasn't exactly Producer Kim's first choice, he was still glad that he got to work on a song or two, for someone who wasn't even in their company at that.

The song he had to work on first, had more of an EDM tune, yet a dark-ish melody. The chorus was a bitㅡ how do you say this without sounding meanㅡ awful, if you will. It lacked that special spark, and to make it even worse, the bridge sounded just like the rest of the song.

The song was supposed to be for a dancer, but it sounded like it was more fitted for some half assed singer who used autotune for their mistakes.

Who the hell was Kim planning on giving this song to?

Felix had a lot of work to do, and he knew that Reina was going to scold him once she found out that he might have to pull an all nighter for this, considering that he didn't know the artist's preferences, style, or even who it was.

He could just call Kim, or text him, yet he doesn't want to bother him during such an emotional point in his life, but he needed to know how in the world was he going to fix such monstrosity.


Producer Kim

Felix is probably
in my studio
trying to figure out
how to fix what i
messed up intentionally
for him.

I wanted to see how well
he can construct an entire
track without my help.
but I forgot to tell him
that the track is supposed
to be dark, peculiar, and
fit for dancing like
the artist is.

the artist isn't really a
dark person, but he
likes dark sounds for
some odd reason.
can you go and tell
him this please?

thanks Rei, I owe you
~Kim >.<

Reina looked at her phone oddly and sighed.

Is producer Kim serious?

First Soojin tells her that meeting with the idol who was supposed to receive this routine got postponed, and now Kim is telling her to help out Felix?

She doesn't want to get scolded from him with what she decided to wear to the practice.

She couldn't even tell Felix that the meeting was with a guy instead of a girl, that the song had to be changed, considering that the old song was too dumb to be used, and that they'd have to wait an entire week until they can have a final guide.

She had to change her contributions to the dance into something that was more fitted to not only his style, but to fit his masculinity. And considering that they didn't have the new song, the only thing she could do is continue to use the old song until the new one is completely finished.

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