Chapter 13: Decisions

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He stared at his hand as soon as he sat down. Even though the warmth was gone, it was as if the electricity was still there. This day in its entirety was a magnificent one for him. Spending time with his crush, watching as that beautiful dimpled smile would plaster on her face and knowing that he was the reason behind it all.

He knew that they both were idols and that their contract states what it states, but it truly didn't matter at that moment. All he knew was, that he was feeling such over exaggerated emotions, and everything they said about it wasn't far from true. Felix knew with all his knowledge that if they did that and the news got out, that not only their groups, but the company's reputation could be in great danger as well.

His group is still a bit fresh, having not reached a year yet, and her group was to debut in a matter of days. It seemed as if the only right decision was to wait. But, even though it was, he knew he would most certainly be impatient, for that was one thing he could not do.

It makes no sense, I know, but it really does at the same time. He knows what is wrong, knows what the right decision is, but he still didn't feel as if that was what he wanted to settle for. What he wanted to lean on, and what he wanted to depend on.

Maybe, just maybe, it could be different in his case, but who knows? Maybe JYP might have a screw loose and set them two up as a publicity stunt.

He reached in his pocket with an unsettling feeling...she sure was taking long. It was now 7:10pm, ten minutes since she went inside to buy some snacks. Is she trying to buy the entire store or something?

"Eh-wh-hu-how-why-what?! Hermana?!" The latter said as soon as he heard the sweet voice he had been missing from since who knows how long. He tried to process her now, considering that she didn't have those long ombre locks anymore.

"The one and only." She said cockily, before pushing forward her signature smile and run to hug her older brother.

The young Mexican-American male was shocked, considering that he stiffened a bit as her slender arms wrapped around his waist.

When has she been this happy?

He softened though, as soon as her familiar Vanilla scent entered his nostrils. He sighed, before wrapping his right arm upon her back and the other upon her head.

"Your hair changed." Was the only thing he said, his voice filled with stifled laughter. She smiled and sniffled, rubbing her nose upon Adrian's broad chest.

He sighed once again, before cupping her face and using his enormous thumbs to wipe away her tears. "How did you guys escape?" Is what she asked as soon as she calmed down.

His bright bunny teethed smile was on display. He kissed her forehead and told her everything. They then shopped together and she offered to pay, since she had a little extra, but he refused.

Adrian Gonzalez, the older brother of Reina Gonzalez stood at a striking 190cm. With his emerald eyes and his permed golden blonde hair. He also had deep dimples and bunny teeth, and if it wasn't for his caramel skin and his doe, emerald eyes, you would think he is RM's and Jungkook's love child.

She came out of the store bowing. "Let me help you with those hermana." Adrian asked as he saw the amount of bags she carried.

"Oh, I'm good. I have someone here with me." She said with a faint smile and went to look for the Australian rapper. When she saw him, she bid her brother goodbye and went towards the freckle faced idol.

"Did you buy the entire store or something?" He asked, clearly worried about his Mexican-American crush. She laughed genuinely before shaking her head and pointing in the direction her brother was surprisingly still standing in.

"I met my brother in there." Said person, was on his phone minding his own business. The Australian idol then smiled, before taking some bags and walking ahead.

"Put the bags in your left hand." She said to him as she caught up. He was confused, but obliged in any event. She then intertwined their hands once again and they walked down the street to get to their dorms.


"What do you mean he thinks about replacing me? Our debut is just a few days away!" Destiny's leader shouted to the icy blue eyed member. She was confused. Hayato just came up to her so calmly and told her that there was a chance JYP was going to remove her.

Said person just stayed seated on the couch of their dorm and sighed. He knew she was going to lash out. He just didn't think she was going to look like she was about to kill.

He sighed once more, "Jihye, calm down and speak in a civilized manner." The Japanese male was sitting peacefully, with both of his hands resting upon his knees. The talk that he had with JYP a few weeks back was a heartbreaking one, but it had to be Jihye. It had to be.

"How can I calm down if my boss is planning to ruin my entire future?!" She practically screamed. The now black haired female was agitated, upset, confused, and afraid. She work 3 long, hard years to get where she was now. Dieting like crazy, learning dance after dance, going to lesson after lesson. Getting ridiculed by her parents because her decisions. She finally had a chance to prove that she was worth it, but it may be gone in a blink of an eye.

"I work hard for this! I pressed and pressed and lost weight for this fucking group, and you're telling me, I might be removed?!" She babbled on and on about how long she trained and the drastic measures she took to get where she was.

The now black haired Japanese male was getting furious himself. He only went to deliver a message, why is he getting shouted at?

"-long I've been without sle-"

"SHUT UP ALREADY WILL YOU?! JYP has been monitoring us for a long time Jihye, he knows how much you hate Reina, and how you only complain, instead of sucking the entire thing up and remembering that YOU are THE LEADER!" He spazzed in the quickest way possible.

Has Mr. Park really been monitoring them? No. Choreographer Soojin-nim is a very observant person, and considering that her choreographies are tremendous as well, Mr. Park asked her to be on the lookout for those kids. Hayato was called in by him, yes, but only to be a messenger in telling one person that they may be removed.

Destiny's leader stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. She thought she covered it up pretty well.

"Just...lose the hatred and become a better leader, or two options will be decided by PD-nim. 1. You lose your leadership position, or 2. You lose your spot in this group." And with that, the Japanese male walked away.

As soon as he slammed the door shut, he sighed and slid down the wall.

You did a good thing Hayato. You did a good thing.

Author's Note

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! What's up Wattpad? How are y'all doing? Here is the new chapter! I had a great time making this one. IDEK WHY! I tried to add a bit of drama, but I suck this stuff, so this was the best that I can do. JYP thought of removing a member before their debut! *le gasp* but why does it feel like it was not meant to be Jihye?

Another Relix moment, *squeal* Ren needs to step up their game, hehe! Why do I sort of sound more like the reader and not the author?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lots of Love,
~Reina (레이나)

||Word Count: 1,244 words||

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