Chapter 14: Debut(?)

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"I bought snacks!" Was the first thing Felix shouted once him and Reina entered. The guys stopped whatever they were doing and rushed towards the living room, stopping abruptly to see how Reina was placing the bags on the table, her fingers locking with their group mate's own.

The Mexican-American female turned around to meet the others and gave them a genuine smile, before nudging the Australian rapper.

"What's up guys?" She asked, clearly not aware that they are still shook from the physical contact between the two idols.

(A/N: haha JuNgShOoK)

She then met with Jeongin's gaze and followed his, looking to see what they were immensely gawking at. She smiled once more and squeezed the young rapper's hand, gently rubbing her thumb on the back of his hand.

"So, I was thinking, we could either watch Black Panther or The Incredibles 2. Which do you prefer Rei?"

Should've said babe and make your group mates die from the cuteness.~Reina

"Anyone is fine, but if I had to choose, WAKANDA FOREVER!" The emerald eye female suddenly said and the Australian rapper just looked at her and smiled, before looking to see what she was facing.

He suddenly raised up their intertwined hands and smiled, while waving at his group mates.

"What's up?" He asked them as he saw them gawk, he then looked at the intertwined hands and smiled.

He then took out some chips and a bag of nachos, while his emerald eyed crush took out the liquid cheddar cheese and hesitantly let go of the Australian rapper's hand to go and microwave such delights and make sure it's hot.

Chan was the first to clear his throat. He looked around to the others and cleared it once more. Everyone getting out of their trances and rushing towards the bags of food. Then walking towards the television to sit with Felix as he waits on his emerald eyed beauty.

"H-how??" Was the only thing Hyunjin could've mustered up to ask as they waited on the young hoobae to come back with the cheese.

Felix let out a little chuckle, before brushing off what Hyunjin asked and stuffing his face with chips, only to almost choke on them when he heard what Hyunjin said next.

"How can a girl like her have such curves?" Suddenly the young Australian rapper was coughing, as he choked on his chips and Chan quickly began tapping on his back.

Meanwhile... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

"Okay, I...I'll let go of any resentment I have towards Reina. I truly love this position and I worked extremely hard to get where I was today. I shouldn't let stupid jealously get in the way of my goals, and I should focus on being an actual leader for this group. I am terribly sorry for all of the trouble I've caused within this group and I hope and pray something like this wouldn't happen again." Destiny's leader said as she bowed in front of her boss.

Mr. Park looked at her through a cold gaze, before smiling and nodding. He then sent her out.

As soon as she got out of the office, she sighed, before turning a bit and getting scared to see the icy blue eyed male sitting down on the side of the door.

"Why are you here?" The raven haired girl asked coldly towards the icy blue eyed male. He got up, and smiled before slinging his arm around her shoulders.

"Aww, come on Ji Ji, you can't be mad because I'm the messenger, huh?" He said, placing a cheeky grin on his face. She looked up the obviously tall male, before rolling her eyes and smiling back at him.

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