Chapter 38: Movie Night (2)

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~~~~~~Read Chapter 37 first~~~~~~

"I like that halter top by the way. It looks cute on you." Jin said, as he sat in the front with Taewoo.

She smiled, looking down at the sunflower halter top, and shook her head in disagreement. Nonetheless she thanked the elder for his compliment.

Taehyung looked at her and mentally sighed. He frowned once she shook her head, and wanted to hug her tightly, and tell her that she was more than beautiful, especially since the halter top brought out her complexion more.

He isn't feeling anything for her mind you, he just doesn't like it, when someone doesn't see their beauty, the way others see it, y'know?

"Anyways, who's all going to be there. I want to know if I'm gonna see any familiar faces?" BTS' youngest asks, causing both Felix and Reina to laugh.

"My group Destiny is going to be there. Well, Jihye, Caleb, and Kendrick is gonna drool all over you guys." She smiled, remembering back when she and the group got to know each other, and how the excitement was practically in Caleb's eyes once he talked about BTS. Although his role model isn't with them, he gets to meet some of them, which is also great in its own way.

"And my group is going to be there as well. I think Hyunjin will pass out once he sees Jimin." Felix said, causing you two to giggle in response.

"Aren't you two forgetting some other people?" Taewoo voiced out, causing them to think about it.

Then it clicked.

"Oh yeah! Got7 is going to be there too. I'm sorry Felix, but I'll be cuddling with Bambi!" She voiced out, watching as her boyfriend pouted, her manager to stifle his laughter, and the Vocal Line of the Bangtan Boys to look at her in confusion.

"Bambi?" Taehyung asked, a bit confused as to who it was.

"I'm assuming it's BamBam." Jin replied, watching as Taewoo still tried to stop laughing and focus on getting to JYP's house.

"Your assumptions have been confirmed." She inquired, causing all of them to laugh at their friend's new nickname.

She pouted at how they laughed, her heart swelling in sadness. She wanted to speak, but she was afraid that her voice would crack as she did, and she'd cry at how they laughed at the nickname which she held so dear to her for many years.

Felix watched as her lips quivered, and remembered her saying how her Abuela used to call her mom Bambi a lot. He remembered how she would always talk about their senior with that caring look in her eyes, saying how his personality reminded her of her mother.

"She really called him Bambi?" Jin said in the midst of his windshield wiper laugh, and Felix watched as a tear slowly fell from her eye.

"What's so wrong with Bambi?" He suddenly asked, his voice deep, versatile, and practically rigged with so much anger, that it caused her to look up at him.

Her looking up, caught Taewoo's eyes, as the tear stains forged into her caramel skin, causing him to pull over.

The Bangtan Boys were afraid of the younger man, seeing as how his voice suddenly got so deep, and boisterous. Taehyung's eyes widened in shock as he saw the tear stains on her cheek, before bowing his head and saying sorry a million times over.

She looked up, feeling guilty and sighed.

"It's not your fault. I'm just too weak. You guys laughed because you couldn't see how a childish nickname such as Bambi would fit someone like BamBam." She said, looking down at her golden nail polish, and smiling sadly.

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