47: A Day With Destiny

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first of all, I wanna address the fact that this book is now a little over a year old now😭

thank you to all who've stuck with me through thick and thin, and to all of the new readers, thank you for finding interest in this story and sticking with it😭 it really does mean a whole lot to me.

now on with the scheduled programme.

She laid there on her bed, the comforter barely covering her, as she stared up at the ceiling.

She knew this day was coming, but she didn't think it would approach her so soon.

The world had found out about her and Felix's relationship.

Okay let me stop.🤣

At least JYP did.

I mean, is this a bad thing per se? Not really...but he can literally pull a cube and humiliate them if he wanted to.

She didn't exactly know what to do, so she decided to text the group about it.

(지혜 끔이 is Jihye
隼人 is Hayato
慧贤 is Hui Yin
คาเลบ is Caleb)

(지혜 끔이 is Jihye 隼人 is Hayato 慧贤 is Hui Yin คาเลบ is Caleb)

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
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