Chapter 45: Kookie & '97 Liners

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As she reached the Stray Kids room of recording and such, she smiled, and entered the room, watching as all the boys ate various food, and chatted among each other while they were on break.

"Remember guys, we meet back here, tomorrow at 11:30 am." Producer Song said, and watched as the boys nodded before smiling softly.

Producer didn't even need to look back, to notice that the young lady was in the room with them. He just felt her presence.

"Hello Ms. Reina." Producer Song said, grasping the attention of all the others, who smiled slightly at the lady mentioned.

She bowed to the producer and greeted him back, before sitting down beside their manager. Baek SaeJoon.

"What did you do, to make him so suspicious of you Reina?" SaeJoon asked, watching as she shrugged her shoulders in confusion.

He started at Producer Song for a while, trying to analyze the man.

Reina's phone buzzed off startling many of the guys there, including herself, and she hurried to swipe it out of her pocket, only to see that Kookie was calling her.

She excused herself for a moment, before answering the phone as she reached for the handle.

"Kookie, what's up?"

And that's when everyone suddenly started to pay attention, but she left before they could listen to anything else.

"Rei Rei,
ma lil sis,
we still on for

"Of course of course.
I just have to see
if Felix
is still willing
to tag along."

"You haven't
asked him yet?!"

"I have! Why you bugging?"

"idk. but
anyways, its
good that y'all
are coming."

"Yeah yeah.
Oh before I forget
is anyone else
coming along with us?"

"Maybe, maybe not,
who knows?!"

"Oh come on."

She then opened the door, gesturing for Felix to come out, in which he obliged without hesitation.

Producer Song watched the two exit the room with a scowl on his face.

"I don't like her, and I certainly don't like what they're doing."

(a/n: well then producer song, you can take a chopstick, stick it down your throat, gasp for a breath, and choke. have a nice day😁)

"Okay, so i know you're busy..." She started off, phone in her hand as it was now on speaker mode.

"It's cool, I just have to ask our manager." He said, trying to suppress a laugh at her eyes.

He looked at her for a minute before yanking out his phone and shooting a text, getting a reply soon after.

"He said he's okay with it." He said, locking his phone and smiling.

She jumped up and down, running to him and smiling, pecking his lips swiftly and announcing that she had to get ready.

With a smile on his face, he entered the room, sitting down gently, and continuing to eat his pizza.

Idols|| Felix Lee✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora