T E N : U N L O C K

Comenzar desde el principio

"What the hell is that suppose to mean? I've been protective over her since I first met her," I ask confused.

"No shit," he rolls his eyes, "it's just different with demons when we find our other half, our mates," he shrugs. When he notices the dumbfounded look that I'm sure is plastered all over my face he explains further. Mates? What the hell is that about?

"I know it sounds weird, 'mates' but that's what it's referred to. Once a demon finds his or hers mate they're forever bonded with each other's souls. Then once you've done the deed, it intensifies that bond. Most species of the Underworld experience it. Ours isn't quite as intense as say, a werewolf, but it's pretty close. At least more than a vampire, they're the promiscuous ones out of all of us," he smirks.

"How the hell do you know all of this?" I laugh. Mates. Bonded souls. Where the hell does he come up with this shit? Sounds just as ridiculous as the terms fate or destiny.

"It's real mate, I looked into it when I found—" he cuts off suddenly, not wanting to finish his explanation.

"What? Since you found Nadine?" I smirk and he quickly looks up at me shocked. "What you think I haven't noticed? It's been like that for years but now that you told me how it intensifies after sleeping together, that only tells me you've already done it," I elbow him.

"So you're not upset about it?" he asks anxiously, running his hand nervously through his long curls before pulling them up in a low man bun.

"Nah mate. Why would I be? I'm happy for you two, bout time you did something because all the built up sexual tension was driving me and Mickey crazy," I laugh while running my fingers through the growing curls on my head. I'm due for a haircut soon, however I'm thinking Kat likes it a little long, she certainly loves pulling at it when I'm on top of her.

I smile thinking about our quickie on the dock and how she took it beautifully. I was worried she couldn't handle it rough but she actually was enjoying it. The memory of her moaning rings in my ear just as I see her step out of the bank and jump into her car. I half expect my phone to start ringing with a call from her but nothing happens as she drives pass.

Jax glances over at me and nods as I start my car and flip-a-bitch to follow her at a distance. As she pulls up in front of an abandoned cream colored double story house, I park a few houses down, keeping my distance.

We watch her as she gets out of the car and walks up the long walkway. Watching her trying to be strong and unaffected drives me over the edge and I feel my body take over as I turn off my car and get out. Jax quickly exits the vehicle and steps in front of me.

"Do you really think this is the best thing to do? Remember she said she wanted to be alone?" he reminds me with a raised brow.

"Fuck it, I know deep down she needs me. No one should be forced to step into a home that was once theirs—where their parents died—all alone." I deadpan while stepping closer to him, ready to put him down if he tries to stop me. Luckily for him he only nods his head in consideration and steps aside.

We both quickly walk up the sidewalk leading to the front of the property when I notice the front door is wide open. I stomp further ahead with Jax on my tail. When I step through the threshold it smells of an old house that's been vacant for years. There's boards all over the windows and there's white cloths everywhere, covering the furniture that was left behind. It's hard to believe that a well known, powerful Warlock once lived here.

I hear a sound coming from the right doorway and step towards it. I pass a large white clothed cover dining table and there's a set of French doors ahead that are cracked open.

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