After the picnic

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Myah and Ryan walked isle to isle at Walmart as they was preparing to have a picnic later that afternoon. "Myah we don't need all this. It's just a picnic" Ryan said as she was putting back certain items back on the shelf.

"Girl first of all, you put 2 jars of pickles in the basket, we definitely don't need those. You know I hate pickles." She hissed back. After an hour of grocery shopping, the basket was literally full. Stuff began to fall out the cart as they pushed it towards the check out. "Picnic at the park with my best friend just like old times" Myah said scheming through magazines as they waited in line to check out.

"Yeah.. um. Shawn is also coming"

"Oh hell no!" Myah yelled causing all eyes on them.

"What you bringing him for?"

"Because he's my-"

"Boyfriend I get it. You say that stupid shit every time. All I gotta say is, if he's coming I'm not going"

Ryan burst out into laughter. Cause she knew that Myah will not miss out on a picnic knowing that theres a basket filled with her favorite food and snacks.

After paying for the items which came up to six hundred and seventy nine cents they loaded the car and left. Myah talked Throughout the whole car ride about why she think shawn shouldn't be at the picnic but no matter what she says, Ryan is not going to change her mind. She think it'll be a good idea since Shawn is always working and since today was his only free day she decides to bring him along. Ryan pulled up to her parking space and got out to take the groceries into the house and Myah helped. They separated some items and began packing enough for four people since his younger sister Aaliyah might want to tag along. Myah began shoving 8 varieties of chocolate bars into the picnic basket but they ended up being taking back out the basket by Ryan.

"Okay. Now let's go get shawn." Ryan said carrying the basket out the door and into the car. The wind suddenly started to pick up blowing half the napkins onto the ground. "I'm not picking that up" Myah whispered. Ryan rolled her eyes and went to pick up the napkins before heading to Shawn's. She knocked on the door 3 times and his sister Aaliyah, opened. "Hey Ryan" she said. She moved aside and Ryan walked inside heading towards Shawn's room Who was sitting in the chair near his desk top writing down lyrics as usual. He was tapping the pen on his chin repeatedly while staring down at his journal. "Hey," Ryan whispered while tapping on his door with her knuckles 3 times. He swirled in his chair facing her direction. His eyes were low and He didn't look happy.

"What's up?" He asked. She walked towards him and grabbed the pen and moved the journal aside.

"I'm having a picnic at the park today and I was hoping you could come" she said. He stared directly at her face fidgeting with his fingers. He didn't say anything, he just swirled his chair back to facing his desk. Just when Ryan was about to leave the room Shawn threw a bald paper a crossed the room hitting her on the head. She turned around and picked up the paper and stretched it out. It was a note.. and it says Yes I would love to go

He got ready and they both headed out taking Aaliyah with them since she couldn't stay home alone. It was getting late, the sky started to turn a dark blue even though it was only six o'clock. Everybody got into the car and buckled up. Nobody had said a word throughout the whole car ride to the park. Shawn kept checking his phone every four minutes which made Ryan worry. After getting out the car and laying out the blanket flat out on the grass, everybody sat in a circle reaching for the basket full of stuffed junk food. "Excuse you, those are mines" Myah said snatching the four pack Oreos from Aaliyah's hand. Shawn scowled at myah.

The park was packed with guys skate boarding and kids running wild while screaming and chasing one another. Ryan looked over at shawn as who was staring down at the grass with an annoyed look on his face. She got up and sat next to him while watching Aaliyah and Myah who was over at the swings.

"You okay?" Ryan said.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just was thinking" he replied as he laid on his back laying his left hand flat on his stomach. Ryan did the same.

He started to talk about the things that's been going through his mind. His family was on they're way over to his house tomorrow and they are looking forward to meeting Ryan which made him worried.

"Who cares what they say. Can we not talk about this" Ryan said as she continued to stuff sliced pineapples into her mouth

"No we have to talk about it Ryan. I have a solution"

Shawn sat up and grabbed Ryan's hand pulling her next to him.

"How about I.. tell them that I lied about having a girlfriend"

"That's stupid Shawn no. I want to meet them"

"Alright alright." He said resting his chin on her head. He stared at the kids running around the park and thought to himself. He had a devious smile on his face. Time began to past and Aaliyah and Myah was sleeping on the left side of the blanket while Ryan and Shawn was quietly making out on the right side of the blanket. It was eight thirty five and all the kids at the park had already left since the park was literally closing less than an hour. "Come over to my house" Shawn whispered. Ryan smiled while staring at the lipgloss that was smeared around his lips. "How about you come over to my house" she said running her hands through his curled hair. "How bout both of y'all shut the hell up.. damn" Myah yelled before throwing a hand full of grapes towards them. Ryan grabbed Shawn's hands before he could reach for something.
They all gathered there things and headed into the car. Shawn decides to drive back. He looked over at Ryan who were sleep in the passenger seat then back at the road.

"Can you go any faster? I have to pee" Myah said.

"No I'm not over taking the speed limit" he replied back.

"Well pull over somewhere then"

"Just hold it in Myah"

"No damn that. Pull over!"

"I can't so hold it!" He screamed. Shawn started to get frustrated so he started to take deep breaths.

"You passed a fucking gas station! I could've used there bathroom!" Myah said pointing out the window. Shawn turned on the radio.

She leaned forward in her seat wrapping her hand around Shawn's neck. He screamed trying to park the car. The car began to drift and swerve off the road. Ryan and Aaliyah body jerked forward in there seat. "Myah! What the fuck are you doing!" Ryan yelled while trying to un wrap Myah's arm from around his neck. "Let go my brother!" Aaliyah cried as she began to start punching Myah's arm begging her to let go. Shawn came to a hard stop and managed to remove her arms from around his neck. "I had it! Aaliyah get out the car!" He said while jumping out from the drivers seat. Aaliyah got out and he took her hand walking off. "Shawn! Where you going!" Ryan yelled but he continued to walk off.
"Well.. that escalated... Come on Ryan, He's on his period. He'll be fine" Myah said. She stepped out the car smiling and acting as if she just didn't tried to kill them all in the car. Ryan was trying to calm down because she didn't want to hurt myah. Her heart started to race and her forehead started to sweat. She stood there while visioning herself choking Myah until her head popped off her shoulders. Ryan didn't know what to do. Shawn and Aaliyah continued to walk off without looking back. They've gotten so far that they started to look like tiny ants.

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