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A/n let me know if there are spelling errors or what not. I did not proof read this

Edit: I want to apologise to those who read this before I put the trigger warning here, I don't recall why I hadn't but I'm still deeply sorry.

Rape, abuse, talk of suicide and depression⚠️⚠️⚠️

🌈🌈 Mina🌈🌈
You and Izuku are siblings. You were adopted and supported Izuku even when Inko gave up on him. You had watched your parents die brutally by villains and have been traumatized. Your quirk is telekinesis and having time manipulation. Drawbacks are your head throbs and your nose bleeds

💰💰 Yaoyorozu 💰💰
You are the daughter of Rei Todoroki and a villain (you'll find out who soon). Sister to Shoto, Natsu, Fuyumi, and Touya Todoroki.
You are the youngest and don't have a quirk anything like your siblings. You were the result of an affair. Rei had snuck out one night and got drunk, she then did the do with the villain All For One (she didn't know he was a villain by the way). So you also have the quirk All For One but you can also freeze someone's quirk (kinda like how Aizawa erases them). All For One hunts you down 24/7. Drawbacks if you over use one of your harvested quirks cuts appear all on your body the more you over use it the deeper the cut. If you freeze/stop a quirk for to long you pass out.

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
You lived a relatively normal life. You were poor though and seeing all the people around you suffer made you want to be a hero. You could save people and then use the money you earn to help feed the poor and homeless. You are an only child. Your quirk is delusion, it causes others to see what you wish for them to see. You can show them good memories to their worst fear the ideas are endless. Drawbacks you start to see monsters .


Your abused. By both your mother and your father. They hate you because of your quirk. Your quirk is fairy. You have elf like ears and beautiful pixie like wings. Your parents claim it's weak but what they didn't know was that this quirk had a special weapon you were able to summon. Drawbacks are you sneeze and cough glitter out. It can be troubling.

You were born and casted away into an ally because you were unwanted. Uraraka's parents brought you in and raised you. At first she loved you like a sister but it changed. Your quirk is called form. You can change into any mythical/holy/demonic form you want ex) Neko, Mermaid, Angel, Succubus. Drawbacks if you use form so much then the last form you were in is what you have to stay as for a week straight and each form makes your personality change a little.

You are her next door neighbors. You both would often go to the mall to perform music. Your quirk is called vocalization. You can copy anyone's voice, you can also sing loud enough to shatter windows. Drawbacks your throat and tongue gets cuts. You can naturally sing beautiful as well.

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
You and Uraraka are blood related siblings. You always stayed in the back and cheered her on but secretly you were being bullied but you would never tell anyone. Even when you get into UA your still bullied. Your quirk is gravity manipulation. Like your sister when you touch something you can make it have 0 gravity but you unlike your sister can also make the gravity pull them to the ground. If you over use your quirk instead of vomiting you get drunk even though you've had no alcohol.

🔥❄️ Todoroki🔥❄️
Your Yaoyorozu's twin but you had your hair died h/c and your eyes are e/c . Yaoyorozu despises you for some reason which you could never conclude as to why. Your also very shy and super duper intelligent. Your quirks are similar but you don't need to know what it's made of. All you need to know is it's exact name and what it looks like in order to make it. Drawback you bleed from your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

You were born quirkless but you went to the same school as him before he went to UA. You were abused because you were a disappointment. Your siblings hated you and you are depressed.

You were a lab rat. You were kidnapped while playing with Bakugou as a child. Eventually after years of quirks being forced into you along with non-quirk related powers the heroes found the lab. They took you to a hospital where they ran tests on you and such. You were then reunited with your family and friends. Bakugou became clingy to you as though he thought you would disappear. You thought it was because y'all are good friends. Your quirks are demon, healing, blood weapons, and speed. Your powers are that you can regenerate a body part due to the scientists infusing your DNA with a lizards DNA, you also have cat ears and tail because of genetic modifications.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
You were a sweet girl that had an abusive father who also molested you. Your quirk is perfection. Everything you do is done perfect. You shoot a gun it hits the target, what ever you do is done with no flaw. Drawbacks there is none it's like Oijiro with his tail but you do get tired a little faster than others when doing physical activities.

😚🙄Mineta/Shinso (because I can)😚🙄
You are bullied by a lot of people. They made you believe you couldn't be a hero and that no one would love you. Mineta takes advantage of this. Your best friend Shinso has loved you for a while and has tried to warn you about Mineta. Stuff happens you'll find out later. Quirk is called Info. It allows you to look at someone or something and get all the information about it. It even let's you know stuff that isn't on files it also allows you to see their health status such as their heart rate and when they will die.

Your quirkless and your striving to be a (your dream career).

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅 (I'm positive I spelt this wrong but I'm to lazy yo change it)
You and Oijiro have been best friends since you were kids but as y'all got older something more was in y'all's relationship (love). Your quirk is called break. If you touch something with all five fingers it either rips or breaks. Drawback is your skin around your neck and wrists starts to tear. You have special gloves so you don't accidentally break stuff or get yourself killed.

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
You were raised in a house where your pretty much a doll. You only speak when spoken to, dress in what ever your mom chooses, and you do as she says no matter what. Your quirk is called submission. When you slap or hit someone with anything you've touched they submit to you like a loyal dog (*cough* *cough* whore *cough* *cough*). Drawbacks you pretty much become submissive yourself when you over use it.

You're normal. No really descriptive background. You're like every normal teen that strives to be a hero. Nothing absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing at all what so ever. . . . . . . Your quirk is called bleeding tar. You can look at someone, activate the quirk and cause burning tar to sleep out of their nose,eyes, ears, mouth, and cuts. You can make stuff with the tar. You can also make the tar hotter or cool so that it will trap the person. You could and have accidentally killed someone with it. Drawbacks your body gets weak and your head starts spinning, anyone in your line of sight will be attacked by your quirk. (I made this quirk up. If there is one already like it then I didn't know but I'm very proud my brain came up with this quirk)

Your father died leaving you with your alcoholic mother. She's abusive but what worries you more is your other siblings that she had adopted a few years previous. So you bargained with her and made it where she couldn't hurt your siblings,only you. Your quirk is mind reading as well as teleportation. Though no one knows you can read minds. Drawbacks if you focus on on what someone is thinking to much you start to unwillingly hear everyone else's thoughts. You also get head aches.

Your normal. Your quirk is angel. It makes you have the features of an angel.

You are anorexic. Your quirk is called candy store. It allows you to turn anything into candy and trap them in a sticky unbreakable candy goo thingy. Drawbacks, it causes you to get super hungry. It works kinda like Yaoyorozu's does.

Your bullied because your mute. Your quirk is sharp shot. This allows you to see and shoot something or someone from 500 ft away with ease. They say the silent ones can also be the deadliest.

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