I groaned in frustration as sleep refused to envelope me again and opened my eyes. Confusion and panic seized me as I realized that the whitewashed walls in front of me, were not from my room.

I looked down and realized that I was only wearing a long white dress shirt with half of the comforter thrown off of me. Memories gushed into my mind as I recalled the events of the previous night.

I frowned, looking around at the room.

Xavier was no where in sight.

Yawning again, I stood up and pulled on the tracks that I had been wearing the previous day which I had discarded at some point of the night. It was a surprise that I even managed to sleep through halfway with my tracks on. I must have been really tired.

Weaving my fingers through my hair, I made it somewhat presentable before pulling the door open and going in search for...mainly food.

I could hear sounds of chatter and laughter as I swept down the stairs. You would think that these people in the gang would actually be cruel and scary, but other than scratchy voice; who's name I still hadn't found out and wasn't really bothered about, the others were fun and actually a hilarious and easy bunch to talk with.

I rounded the corner and pushed open another door, from where all the clammer was originating from. The entire room fell quiet at my presence. My eyes swept around, trying to find someone I recognized.

"Hey Elaine!" Quentin called from across the room.

I waved back enthusiastically and made my way to him.

He patted to a spot next to him and I plopped down on the seat. Before either of us could speak, my stomach told us everything we needed to know. It gave an embarrassingly loud growl and I smiled sheepishly.

Quentin laughed. "Guess you're hungry."

I nodded immediately. "That's an understatement."

Only after getting most of the food down my stomach - which was waffles drizzled with Nutella and whipped cream; which I found quite odd because I thought gangs didn't eat all those sweet stuff, okay wait, so I'm getting way off the point - did I think of a certain missing someone.

"Wait, where's Xavier?" I asked.

Lorenzo gave me an amused glance. "I'm surprised you even remembered him," he fake gasped.

"When there's food, everything else just disappears," I laughed.

"True that!" Quentin agreed, thumping his fist against his chest for dramatic effect.

"Anyways, Xavier has gone out for a bit, but he should be here—"

He was interrupted by a slam of a door and a grim faced figure by the doorway. Wait, I don't think you could even called it grim faced. Emotionless faced. Yah, that sounds much more accurate.

"Right about now," Lorenzo finished, rolling his eyes at Xavier's expression.

The latter's eyes swept across the room and landed on poor, innocent me who was still eating, finishing the waffles, probably with chocolate all over my lips.

He stormed over to me and nearly snapped my arm in half with the way he stood me up. My gasp of surprise and whine for not letting me finish my food went unnoticed.

"We need to go," he said, leaving no room for complaints.

But since this was me, I was of course gonna complain.

"But, my food! Just let me finish those lovely, fluffy waffles!" I exclaimed.

"We. don't. Have. Time," he gritted out.

A War of Guns and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now